ELIXIR and de.NBI agree Collaboration Strategy
ELIXIR and de.NBI, the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure, have today agreed a strategy to guide collaboration and lead towards full Membership in ELIXIR by Germany. The Collaboration Strategy sets out the areas in which the two initiatives will cooperate
ELIXIR and OncoTrack examine solutions for long-term management of translational data
ELIXIR and OncoTrack, an Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) project to improve the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer, are working together on a joint feasibility project to explore options for provision of long-term storage and data discovery service for data
ELIXIR-UK invites UK based data resources to participate in ELIXIR UK
To expand its remit and to better represent the broad base of UK bioinformatics, ELIXIR-UK is inviting all existing and prospective participants in ELIXIR-UK to put forward their resources or tools as part of the UK Node in ELIXIR. The
ELIXIR Training platform kick-offs the Train the trainer programme
On 19 – 21 January 2016, two EXCELERATE training platform subtasks – Training the trainer and Ensuring impact and quality, officially kicked-off with a joint workshop. Hosted by ELIXIR-EBI at Hinxton, they brought together training representatives from 6 ELIXIR Nodes
Arcadi Navarro appointed Secretary of State for universities and research in the new Catalan government
Arcadi Navarro, Spanish delegate in the ELIXIR Board, and the Director of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences at the University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, has been appointed Secretary of Universities and Research in the new Catalan government
ELIXIR becomes main partner of ECCB 2016
ELIXIR becomes the main organising sponsor of the 15th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), to take place on 3-7 September 2016 in The Hague, the Netherlands. As part of the ELIXIR-ECCB 2016 partnership, the programme of the conference will
Call for nominations for ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee
ELIXIR has opened a call for nominations for an industry representative to join its Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). The high-level body provides strategic advice to ELIXIR on its emerging services and industry support activities. ELIXIR is looking for a twelfth
ELIXIR teams up with leading experts in data protection to develop ELIXIR Ethics Policy
ELIXIR is partnering up with Germany’s TMF (Technology, Methods and Infrastructure for Networked Medical Research) to develop its Ethics policy for the protection, access and management of sensitive data in biomedical research. ELIXIR’s Ethics policy will provide a framework of
ELIXIR UK Head of Node Steps Down
Professor Chris Ponting is stepping down as of today from his role as Head of the ELIXIR UK Node. Chris remains fully committed to ELIXIR-UK and the ELIXIR initiative, and continues to jointly lead on training activities within the UK
Green light for Italy
Italy is the latest country to sign the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement and join ELIXIR as Member, following the ELIXIR Board’s approval of Italy's application. The ELIXIR Node in Italy is organised as a Joint Research Unit, coordinated by the National
ELIXIR launches open science publication channel on F1000Research
ELIXIR – in partnership with the F1000Research open science publication platform – has launched the ELIXIR F1000Research Gateway to publish its research and technical outputs. Further details of the collaboration are detailed in an Editorial published today. The ELIXIR Gateway
Accelerating ELIXIR - ELIXIR-EXCELERATE kicks off
Over 90 representatives from across the ELIXIR infrastructure have come together this week in Cambridge, UK, to kick-start the Horizon 2020 ELIXIR implementation project EXCELERATE. Project partners presented the plans and expected outcomes for each of the project tasks and
ELIXIR presented at U.S. BD2K All-Hands Grantee Meeting
BD2K is an initiative of the U.S. National Institute of Health to establish a digital ecosystem for biomedical research. The All Hands Grantee Meeting held on 12-13 November 2015 in Bethesda, Maryland, brought together all participants and grantees in BD2K
ELIXIR Instructor Training: Manchester 22-23 November 2015
The Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training workshop organised by ELIXIR-UK in Manchester 22-23 November 2015 was a great success. Run by Greg Wilson from Software Carpentry Foundation, Aleksandra Pawlik from SSI, and Karin Lagesen from University of Oslo, the
GOBLET- ELIXIR workshop: building up an e-learning lingua franca
The ELIXIR-GOBLET collaboration continued at the GOBLET's 4th Annual General Meeting, held in Cape Town, 18-20 November. During a dedicated session on e-learning strategies, a summary of the outcomes of the first ELIXIR-GOBLET workshop was presented and discussed with the
Software development best practices for life sciences
ELIXIR is launching a new initiative to bring forward software development best practices for life sciences. Working in collaboration with the Software Sustainability Institute, this new initiative will develop a guidelines and proposal for sustainable and open source policy for
Expanding ELIXIR rare diseases services: Orphanet becomes part of ELIXIR France
Orphanet, the European reference portal for information on rare diseases and orphan drugs, has become part of the French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB - L'Institut Français de Bioinformatique), the ELIXIR French Node. Orphanet’s aim is to help improve the diagnosis
ELIXIR welcomes Belgium among its members
Belgium is the latest country to join ELIXIR, following the signature of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement by the Secretary of State for Science Policy, Elke Sleurs, and its approval by the ELIXIR Board. Led by the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology
Eleven Biomedical research infrastructures kick-start CORBEL
Representatives from eleven European research infrastructures in biomedical domain gathered last week on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK, to kick-off the CORBEL cluster project. Building on the results of BioMedBridges, CORBEL aims to provide a common access to
We are hiring! ELIXIR Hub strengthens its team
The ELIXIR is looking for two talented and highly motivated experts to join its Hub office in Hinxton, UK: ELIXIR Human Data Coordinator ELIXIR Technical Project Officer (Service Management and Quality Assurance) ELIXIR Human Data Coordinator will lead the development