GOBLET- ELIXIR workshop: building up an e-learning lingua franca

The ELIXIR-GOBLET collaboration continued at the GOBLET's 4th Annual General Meeting, held in Cape Town, 18-20 November. During a dedicated session on e-learning strategies, a summary of the outcomes of the first ELIXIR-GOBLET workshop was presented and discussed with the 24 participants, representing both ELIXIR and GOBLET.

This round-table discussion provided an opportunity to collect feedback and views from a larger community of bioinformatics trainers than were present in the first workshop. The consensus and conclusions will be incorporated in a White Paper, currently in preparation, which will describe various e-learning approaches and their applications, and will provide recommendations for their use by the ELIXIR and GOBLET communities.

About ELIXIR-GOBLET collaboration

This event is part of the ELIXIR-GOBLET Joint Training Strategy published in May 2015. The strategy sets out areas for collaboration between GOBLET and ELIXIR, including e-learning, joint exploration of training 'accreditation' mechanisms, and sharing of best practices, towards professionalising bioinformatics training.
