
ELIXIR organises its first Train the Trainer workshop

The ELIXIR Training Platform organised its first Train the Trainer (TtT) at the University of Cambridge, UK, on 10-11 May. The goal of the TtT workshops is to establish and develop an pool of ELIXIR trainers to run effective training

The CHARME of standardisation in life sciences, 21-22 June, Warsaw

CHARME is organising a conference The CHARME of standardisation in life sciences on 21-22 June 2016 in Warsaw, Poland. The programme features several ELIXIR-related talks, including two keynotes by Barend Mons, Head of ELIXIR Netherlands, and Chris Evelo, co-leader of

ELIXIR Technical hackathon: promoting exchange of information about bioinformatics tools and workflows

ELIXIR France and Denmark organised hackaton “Tools, Workflows and Workbenches”, to to promote collaboration and technical developments between developers from ELIXIR Tools & Data Services Registry, Galaxy, Taverna, Arvados, CWL, ReGaTE and EDAM ontology, and Galaxy instance providers from ELIXIR

ELIXIR Interoperability platform discusses with Google how to describe and share datasets

Representatives from ELIXIR UK, EMBL-EBI, the ELIXIR Hub, bioCADDIE, BioSchemas and the W3C HCLS Community Profile met with Google last week in London to discuss how to describe datasets using Finding datasets, and understanding their content, is a challenging

ELIXIR and GOBLET support sharing of metagenomics training materials

ELIXIR Training Platform and GOBLET (Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training ) organised a joint workshop for metagenomics training materials re-use, on 7-8 April 2016 at EMBL-EBI in Hinxton, UK. The aim was to collect a comprehensive set

Chris Evelo is new co-leader of ELIXIR Interoperability platform

Chris Evelo (ELIXIR Netherlands) is the new co-leader of the Interoperability Platform, replacing Barend Mons, the Head of Dutch ELIXIR Node. Chris joins Helen Parkinson (EMBL-EBI) and Carole Goble (ELIXIR UK) in leading the Interoperability Platform. Dr. Chris Evelo is

Certification for quality of CNAG genomic data

ELIXIR Spain's Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG, National Genome Analysis Centre) has been awarded ISO 17025:2005 certificate for its Next Generation Sequencing Platform. ISO 17025:2005 is an international standard for laboratories that specifies the general requirements for the competence

ELIXIR launches its Data Nodes Network

A Data Nodes Workshop in Prague on 13-14 April 2016 marked the launch of ELIXIR’s Data Nodes Network. The concept of this is that ELIXIR’s ‘Data Nodes’ – those Nodes with large data collections and databases with established standards for

ELIXIR publishes its Industry Strategy

This week ELIXIR has published its Industry Strategy, which is a comprehensive overview of the current and future actions to stimulate innovation and ensure industry uptake of ELIXIR’s services. The five objectives of the strategy are to: Increase industry usage

Database citations in patents and articles indicate impact of biological data on innovation

The extensive reuse of data from bioinformatics resources in research articles and patents demonstrate long-term value of biological data in life science research and biotechnology industry. This is the conclusion of a recent paper published by the ELIXIR Hub and

ELIXIR Board meeting: 2016 Spring session

The ELIXIR Board held it's fifth meeting this week on 11-12 April in Prague, Czech Republic. The main points discussed included ELIXIR membership of Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg, ELIXIR Collaboration Agreements, Node Applications from Belgium, Italy and Slovenia, and the

Towards user centric services for the Marine community

Marine metagenomics is a rapidly expanding field with the potential to provide new insight into the biodiversity of marine organisms. However, along with the expansion comes a massive increase in metagenomics data (the EMBL-EBI metagenomics portal in 2015 analysed 3

Samples Club BYOD workshop, 21-23 March 2016

ELIXIR-UK and FAIRDOM ( jointly hosted a Samples Club BYOD (Bring Your Own Data) workshop on 21-23 March 2016, Manchester, UK. The workshop brought together representatives from ELIXIR-UK, ELIXIR-SE, ELIXIR-FR, ELIXIR-NL and EMBL-EBI with an interest in sample metadata

ELIXIR appoints Technical Project Officer to support quality assurance

The ELIXIR Hub is pleased to announce that Montse Gonzalez has joined the team as ELIXIR Technical Project Officer. Montse will set up and lead ELIXIR's quality assurance processes, including the development of key performance indicators for ELIXIR services, their

Developing ELIXIR Authentication and Authorisation services

ELIXIR-UK and DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities), in collaboration with ELIXIR Finland and ELIXIR Czech Republic, organised a workshop for service and resource providers on Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI). Held in Manchester, UK, on 15-16 March

ELIXIR presented as Landmark in the 2016 ESFRI roadmap

The new 2016 ESFRI Roadmap launched today classifies ELIXIR as a Landmark - a research infrastructure that reached its implementation phase by 2015. The 2016 Roadmap consists of 21 ESFRI projects with a high degree of maturity, and 29 ESFRI

ELIXIR Channel on F1000R publishes two new articles

ELIXIR Reports, the ELIXIR channel on the F1000 Research publication platform now includes two new articles, presenting activities of ELIXIR France and ELIXIR Netherlands. The first article by a group of authors from ELIXIR France, presents BioShaDock, a community driven

First six ELIXIR trainers receive Software and Data Carpentry Instructors certificate

Following the ELIXIR Software and Data Carpentry Instructor training in Lausanne, first six ELIXIR trainers have become certified Software and Data Carpentry Instructors. The Instructor training took place in January 2016 at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland as part

Slovenia becomes the latest ELIXIR member

Slovenia is the latest country to join ELIXIR, after the ratification of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement by the Slovenian parliament and its approval by the ELIXIR Board. The Slovenian Node is coordinated by the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Medicine

Open Data in Action: Researchers, funders and industry highlighted the importance of Life Science Open data for innovation

ELIXIR Conference Open Data in Action: Life Science Data Infrastructure for Innovation, 4 February, Brussels, Belgium About 100 participants - researchers, policy makers, research infrastructure operators, industry representatives - gathered last week in Brussels for the ELIXIR Conference 'Open Data