ELIXIR Training Platform and GOBLET (Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training ) organised a joint workshop for metagenomics training materials re-use, on 7-8 April 2016 at EMBL-EBI in Hinxton, UK.
The aim was to collect a comprehensive set of metagenomics training materials and define a common approach for their curation. Such materials can then be exchanged and re-used via online portals and repositories, such as GOBLET and TeSS.
The worskhop brought together 19 participants form ELIXIR Nodes (Denmark, EMBL-EBI, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and UK) and from Germany, Australia, Brasil, Canada and USA. The participants identified existing training materials available for each metagenomics workflow and described them, using a common set of descriptors.
The Training Platform will soon release the curated materials on GitHub.