ELIXIR-UK and FAIRDOM (fair-dom.org) jointly hosted a Samples Club BYOD (Bring Your Own Data) workshop on 21-23 March 2016, Manchester, UK.
The workshop brought together representatives from ELIXIR-UK, ELIXIR-SE, ELIXIR-FR, ELIXIR-NL and EMBL-EBI with an interest in sample metadata and modelling to discuss a range of topics related to a sample centric interoperability framework driven by use cases. Additionally, a broad range of European and national projects were represented including (but not limited to) BioSamples, BBMRI, CORBEL, ISBE, SynBioChem, FAIRDOM, RD-Connect, ISA, the BD2K centres CEDAR and BioCADDIE, and Ocean Sampling Day (OSD).