
ESFRI BMS produce postion paper on Horizon 2020

ELIXIR is one of 13 ESFRI research infrastructures from the biomedical sciences. Together, these research infrastructures have produced a position paper on Horizon 2020 calling for a larger budget for Research Infrastrucutres, and for sustainable investment from the European Commission

ELIXIR Founding Director Vacancy Now Open

The post of ELIXIR Founding Director is now open for applications. The closing date is 1 July 2012. Further information on the post, including links to the on-line application forms, are available here.

ELIXIR paper published in Trends in Biotechnology

A paper on ELIXIR, co-authored by Professor Janet Thornton the ELIXIR Preparatory Phase Coordinator, has been published in the March 2012 edition of the journal 'Trends in Biotechnology'. The paper is entitled 'ELIXIR: A distributed infrastrucutre for European biological data'

Spring edition of Informed now available

The Spring 2012 edition of Informed, ELIXIR's eNewsletter is now available here. This edition includes articles on the process for reviewing and selecting ELIXIR Nodes, includes news on the latest country to join and has an extended feature on Switzerland


ELIXIR was well represented at the 2012 ICRI conference in Copenhagen. Professor Janet Thornton, the ELIXIR Preparatory Phase Co-ordinator, gave a presentation about the nature of international research infrastructures on Thursday 22 March. ELIXIR presented a poster in the global

BioMedBridges kick-off meeting

BioMedBridges is an FP7-funded cluster project that will bring together the ESFRI Research Infrastructures in the Biological and Medical Sciences (BMS). BioMedBridges formally started on 1 January 2012 and over the duration of the four-year of the project will play

Israel becomes eleventh Member State to join ELIXIR

Israel recently becase the eleventh Member State to join ELIXIR when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formally participate in the project.

First edition of Informed, the new eNewsletter for ELIXIR

Please register here to subscribe to the mailing list of Informed, which is the new eNewsletter for ELIXIR. Informed will be published quarterly and will keep you up to date with the latest news and developments relating to the ELIXIR