To expand its remit and to better represent the broad base of UK bioinformatics, ELIXIR-UK is inviting all existing and prospective participants in ELIXIR-UK to put forward their resources or tools as part of the UK Node in ELIXIR.
The initial webinar to present ELIXIR, ELIXIR UK and outline the process of expanding ELIXIR UK's portfolio will take place in a webinar on Tuesday 9 February 2016 at 2.00 pm. The webinar will be followed by a workshop on 1 March at the Wellcome Trust in London to provide help and advice on developing a successful Expression of Interest. All existing and future partners in ELIXIR UK are invited. Register for either or both of the events.
Join the webinar on 9 February!
You will find more details at the ELIXIR UK website.
For more information contact John Hancock, ELIXIR-UK Node Coordinator, at