ELIXIR – in partnership with the F1000Research open science publication platform – has launched the ELIXIR F1000Research Gateway to publish its research and technical outputs. Further details of the collaboration are detailed in an Editorial published today.
The ELIXIR Gateway on F1000Research (http://f1000research.com/channels/elixir) comprises two separate channels – one for publishing ELIXIR’s research and strategy articles, and another for other outputs such as academic posters and slide presentations.
The Gateway will feature work developed through ELIXIR’s five technical platforms -tools, data, compute, interoperability and training, as well as ELIXIR strategy documents, technology developments and reviews. An important part of the Gateway will be the publication output from ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, a €19m HORIZON 2020 project to implement ELIXIR’s scientific programme.
All articles will be published in line with F1000Research’s immediate and transparent publication model, regardless of the article size, type, or perceived impact. Readers can use the channel-tracking feature to be automatically notified when new content is published and when status changes are made to individual articles, such as new referee reports or new versions.
Niklas Blomberg, Director of ELIXIR, said: “Rapid, transparent communication of our efforts to the wider research community is critical to ELIXIR success and so we are delighted to announce this new partnership. The immediate publication and open peer review provided by F1000Research are ideal tools to ensure community engagement and stimulate discussion. They will prove a critical resource in achieving our outreach goals.”
Rebecca Lawrence, Managing Director of F1000, a community of more than 11,000 experts in the life sciences, which launched F1000Research, said: “ELIXIR’s bid to make vast amounts of biological data easily accessible to scientists is perfectly aligned with F1000Research’s open science objectives.
“We look forward to working with ELIXIR on this exciting new project, which will not only share a wealth of valuable information but also enable scientists to get articles published quickly and transparently for peer review.”
About F1000Research
F1000Research is an open science publishing platform for life scientists that offers immediate publication and transparent peer review, avoiding editorial bias and ensuring the inclusion of all source data. This process helps scientists to avoid the traditional, anonymous, pre-publication peer-review process that can cause long delays before new results become visible.
All articles must pass an initial in-house quality check prior to publication on F1000Research. Following open, invited peer review where the referee’s name and affiliation and the referee reports are published alongside the article, authors can make revisions that are then published as new article versions.
Since its launch in January 2013, F1000Research has published more than 1000 articles across the life sciences, written by 4,000 authors. For more details on F1000Research go to www.f1000research.com