
ELIXIR Tools and Services Registry organised its second Curation and Usability Hackathon

A three day hackathon organized by ELIXIR-CZ took a place in Brno, Czech Republic on 4-6 November 2015. The hackathon was aimed at representatives of all ELIXIR Nodes and their key partners, who would like to add their software to

ELIXIR introduces new members of its Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Pascal Borry, Prof. Kate Bushby, and Dr Susan Wallace have been appointed new members of the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The new members have been appointed by the ELIXIR Board at its October meeting in Hinxton, UK. Kate

ELIXIR UK Community Survey

ELIXIR-UK is carrying out a survey to help it in developing its future strategy. The questionnaire addresses the level of awareness of ELIXIR’s and ELIXIR-UK’s activities in the UK and how it can best engage the wider UK community with

New ELIXIR Hub visitor to support ELIXIR Compute platform

ELIXIR Hub is pleased to announce that Mikael Linden has joined the ELIXIR Hub as a visiting scientist from CSC -- the Finnish IT Center for Science (ELIXIR Finland). Mikael has a strong expertise in authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI)

Sharing good practice in Node development: ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Node development workshop

The first ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity building and Node development workshop took place on 3-4 November 2015. Organised by ELIXIR Czech Republic and hosted by the Prague House in Brussels, the workshop gathered representatives from across the ELIXIR network to share best

ELIXIR and Pistoia Alliance to Collaborate on Map of Alliances

Hinxton, UK – ELIXIR and the Pistoia Alliance will be collaborating as part of the Map of Alliances project, an industry initiative to better understand the landscape of the pre-competitive environment in life sciences. The collaboration will see ELIXIR and

Interoperability platform: Review of existing Identity Resolution and Mapping Services

The Interoperability Platform started to review existing Identity Resolution and Mapping Services and define the criteria against which they can be assessed for use as ELIXIR services. The criteria will be informed by the EXCELERATE and CORBEL Use Cases as

Review of Biosharing

The work has kicked off to review BioSharing, a component contributed by the ELIXIR-UK Node, as the ELIXIR Standards Registry. In this initial phase, BioSharing will be reviewed against user needs and evaluation criteria established by the EXCELERATE WP5 ELIXIR

Genome annotation and assembly: ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity building workshop

The first ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity Building workshop in Genome Assembly and Annotation took place on 19-20 October 2015 in Uppsala. Hosted by ELIXIR Sweden, the meeting brought together 26 participants, representing 11 ELIXIR Nodes. The programme wast dedicated to presenting and

ELIXIR Czech Republic prioritised by the Czech National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2016-2022

ELIXIR Czech Republic has been selected as a public funding priority for 2016-2022 by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. In the recently published ' Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech

ELIXIR Board meeting: 2015 Autumn session

France and Spain officially joining ELIXIR as Provisional Members, the approval of Ireland's application to become ELIXIR Observer, and the decision on the process for the selection and approval of ELIXIR Commissioned services were the main outcomes of the 2015

Full steam ahead for France and Spain

France and Spain will now be fully integrated into ELIXIR’s scientific and operational activities. The ELIXIR Board has today welcomed both countries into ELIXIR, following the Board’s approval of their application to use the Provisional Membership scheme. Niklas Blomberg, ELIXIR

ELIXIR presented at the Sixth plenary session of the Research Data Alliance

ELIXIR and BioSharing organised a session on sharing sensitive data in life sciences at the Sixth Plenary session of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Paris on 23-25 September 2015. The session was a joint effort of the RDA ELIXIR

G7 report highlights ELIXIR as example of global research infrastructure

The G7 Group of Senior Officials (GSO) on Global Research Infrastructures has published its Progress Report for 2015. The report has been in preparation for a number of years and was formally approved at the recent meeting of the G7

ELIXIR is joining F1000Research publishing platform

ELIXIR is partnering up with F1000Research publishing platform to create ELIXIR F1000Research gateway. The gateway will be open to all research outputs from ELIXIR's activities including from the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE grant. Research articles will be transparently peer-reviewed through F1000Research invited post-publication

Mapping collaborations in life sciences

ELIXIR launches a new project to map out the landscape of life science organisations, projects and alliances, and how they collaborate and connect to each other. The goal is to describe the interconnections between and within the life science communities

EU Structural Funds for research infrastructures: ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Capacity building Workshop

The Czech ELIXIR Node organised the first Capacity Building Workshop, on 8-9 October 2015 in Brno, Czech Republic. The aim was to raise the awareness of the opportunities offered by EU Structural Funds to ELIXIR Nodes across Europe and offer

Managing sensitive data: new reports published by Tryggve

The Tryggve project - a joint initiative of ELIXIR Nodes in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway and NordForsk's Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration - has published a number of documents, reflecting the significant progress made in the recent months. They present specific

ELIXIR Tools and Data Services Registry: community-driven curation of bioinformatics resources

Two recent research papers presented the Tools and Data Services Registry, developed by ELIXIR Denmark. The first article presents a case of succesful use of the Registry in integrating bioinformatics resources into workbench environments. It describes the Workbench Integration Enabler

ELIXIR - GOBLET workshop: defining an e-learning lingua franca

The first EXCELERATE Training workshop - organised jointly by ELIXIR and GOBLET - was hosted by ELIXIR Slovenia on 15-17 September 2015 in Ljubljana. The programme of the event provided an overview of e-learning systems used internationally and within these