Barend Mons appointed Chair of European Commission’s high level expert group on ‘European Open Science Cloud’
Professor Barend Mons has been appointed Chair of the Commission High Level Expert Group “European Open Science Cloud”, initiated by the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation. Barend Mons is professor in Biosemantics at the Human Genetics department of Leiden
ELIXIR appoints Martin Cook as Web Developer
ELIXIR is pleased to announce that Martin Cook has joined the ELIXIR Hub as Web Developer. Martin will lead the development of the ELIXIR website and the implementation of several online services for ELIXIR Nodes and partners, including the ELIXIR
First Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference
ELIXIR Denmark sponsored and co-organized in a partnership with Danish Universities, the first Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference on 27-28 August 2015 in Odense. The event brought together over 200 researchers and other professionals in bioinformatics and systems biology, who had
CORBEL sets out to establish common infrastructure for biomedical research
The CORBEL cluster projects starts today to establish common research infrastructure to support Europe's biomedical research community. CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services) is a four-year €14.5 million EU project that will harmonise user access to biological and
ELIXIR-UK Genome Assembly and Annotation Survey
ELIXIR-UK invites colleagues in the UK involved in genome assembly and annotation to complete a short questionnaire. The survey is available at: The survey is part of the 'Capacity Building in Genome Assembly and Annotation' work package of the
ELIXIR appoints Friederike Schmidt-Tremmel as Project Manager
ELIXIR is pleased to announce that Friederike Schmidt-Tremmel will join ELIXIR Hub as Project Manager. Friederike will take over the responsibilities for the management of the EU projects CORBEL and BioMedBridges including monitoring of project delivery and budget. She will
ELIXIR-UK and Software and Data Carpentry offer life science computing instructor training
ELIXIR-UK and Software and Data Carpentry are organising two instructor (train the trainer) workshops to provide insight into how to train life science researchers in computing. The workshops will take place in London and Manchester in October and November respectively
ELIXIR Data Carpentry Workshop in Slovenia
ELIXIR Slovenia organised its fist Data Carpentry Workshop on 21-22 July 2015 in Ljubljana, as part of the ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Pilot action. It was hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana and the National Institute
New ELIXIR staff to drive ELIXIR's data management activities
The ELIXIR Hub is pleased to announce that Andy Jenkinson has joined the ELIXIR Hub as a visitor to help develop ELIXIR’s data management architecture and activities. As a Visitor in the ELIXIR Hub, Andy will be looking across the
CORBEL project Grant Agreement signed
The Grant Agreement for the CORBEL cluster project has been signed by the European Commission. This four-year project will start on 1 September 2015, with the kick-off meeting set for 19 November in Hinxton, UK. CORBEL is a €14.5 million
ELIXIR at ISMB/ECCB 2015 in Dublin
Around 1,500 delegates gathered on 10-14 July in Dublin for the ISMB/ECCB 2015 conference, this year's largest and most important meetings in bioinformatics and computational biology. The conferences provided a forum for disseminating the latest developments in the field and
Towards European Galaxy Community
Users, administrators and developers of the Galaxy platform gathered this week in Norwich, UK, for the Galaxy Community Conference 2015. The goal was to present and share best practices in using Galaxy, exchange experience and discuss latest developments. ELIXIR stand
New ELIXIR Pilot action to lay ground for ELIXIR rare disease community
A three-day hackathon on 30 June - 2 July in Rome kicked off a new ELIXIR Pilot action on rare diseases. The event - organised jointly by RD-CONNECT, Leiden University, Istituto Superiore di Sanità and ELIXIR - gathered experts from
Prof. Arlindo Oliveira appointed new Head of ELIXIR Node in Portugal
Arlindo Oliveira has been appointed new Head of ELIXIR Node in Portugal, following a successful nomination to the Board of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Research and Technology Foundation in Portugal). Prof Oliveira replaces Dr José
Twelve ESFRI BMS Research Infrastructures sign MoU
Twelve biological and medical science Research Infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate through a new BMS Strategy Group. The Strategy Group will provide a stable platform for the Coordinators and Directors of the
Data Carpentry hackathon and workshop at ELIXIR Netherlands
The University of Utrecht in the Netherlands hosted two Data Carpentry events on 22-25 June 2015, as part of the ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Pilot action. Coordinated by ELIXIR UK, the pilots aims to develop training programme across the
ELIXIR examines the use of Galaxy platform in Europe
ELIXIR is launching an online survey to learn more about how the Galaxy platform is used across the ELIXIR infrastructure and beyond. It is intended for IT experts and developers maintaning and developing Galaxy services. Any Galaxy administrator or developer
Call for ELSI experts to join the ELIXIR Scientific Advisory Board
The ELIXIR Board is inviting experts on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) to put themselves forward to join the nine existing members of the ELIXIR SAB in order to ensure ELSI considerations are firmly embedded into ELIXIR’s scientific review
ELIXIR publishes its first Annual Report
The ELIXIR 2014 Annual Report covers the major events and activities in 2014 and outlines ELIXIR's plans for the future. The goals in the first year of operation were to lay solid ground bringing together Europe's life-data resources and start
Lighting beacons for data access in genomic research
ELIXIR has partnered with the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) to provide data-discovery services for genomics that balance efficient data sharing and data protection. The new collaboration, called "Beacon", will kick off in September 2015. Its goal is