The Grant Agreement for the CORBEL cluster project has been signed by the European Commission. This four-year project will start on 1 September 2015, with the kick-off meeting set for 19 November in Hinxton, UK.
CORBEL is a €14.5 million project, coordinated by ELIXIR and co-coordinated by BBMRI, to establish and support a new model for biological and medical research in Europe. It will build on existing efforts within the BioMedBridges project to develop the tools, services and data management required by cutting-edge European research projects.
The CORBEL consortium is composed of ESFRI Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures (BMS RI); the resources brought together include physical biobank samples, imaging facilities and molecular screening centres. Collectively the BMS RIs will establish a sustained foundation of collaborative scientific services for biomedical research in Europe and embed the combined infrastructure capabilities into the scientific workflow of advanced users.
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