ELIXIR-UK and Software and Data Carpentry offer life science computing instructor training

ELIXIR-UK and Software and Data Carpentry are organising two instructor (train the trainer) workshops to provide insight into how to train life science researchers in computing. The workshops will take place in London and Manchester in October and November respectively. 

More information and registration:

The workshops will be led by Greg Wilson, co-founder of Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, currently on sabbatical in the UK, and aim to recruit volunteer instructors to offer computing training to their fellow life scientists in their countries. They target people who have already participated in a Software or Data Carpentry workshop, either as a trainee or as a helper.

Both workshops cover the basics of educational psychology and instructional design, and explore how to use these ideas in both intensive workshops and regular classes.

About Software and Data Carpentry

Software Carpentry and its sibling initiative Data Carpentry have been teaching researchers in science, engineering, medicine, and related disciplines the computing and data skills they need in their research. ELIXIR is currently running a Pilot Action to leverage the work of both initiatives in developing training programme for ELIXIR. It is led by ELIXIR UK, with a number of other national nodes joining up (ELIXIR Slovenia, Netherlands, Finland or Switzerland).
