ELIXIR Hub strengthens its communications team
ELIXIR is delighted that Premysl Velek has joined the ELIXIR Hub as Communication and Outreach Officer. Premysl will lead the day to day communications and outreach activities of ELIXIR, supporting the dissemination of ELIXIR-related activities across the ELIXIR Nodes. He
Open Bridges for Life Science Data
Steffi Suhr, ELIXIR Senior Project Manager, has recently produced a guest blog post for Scientific Data. Entitled 'Opening the bridges for life science data', the post provides an update on the BioMedBridges project and welcomes the opening of registration for
ELIXIR Hub appoints Stephanie Suhr as Senior Project Manager
ELIXIR is delighted to announce that Stephanie Suhr will join the ELIXIR Hub as Senior Project Manager with responsibility for further development of good project management practice within ELIXIR and to lead the project management unit for externally funded projects
ELIXIR accelerates with major Horizon 2020 funding
11 May 2015, Hinxton, UK – ELIXIR has been awarded €19 million from the EU to accelerate the implementation of Europe’s life-science data infrastructure over the next four years. From September 2015, ‘ELIXIR-EXCELERATE’ will facilitate the integration of Europe’s bioinformatics
ELIXIR Finland Node celebrates launch
ELIXIR Finland was officially launched at an event in the Natural History Museum of Helsinki on the 4 May 2015. The event featured keynotes and speakers from life science community and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland to
Linking Rare Disease Registries and Biobanks
On 26-27 November 2014, 40 rare disease and data integration experts took part in a ‘Bring Your Own Data’ workshop on rare disease registries and biobanks. Held in Rome, the event was organized by DTL, part-sponsored by ELIXIR and organized
ELIXIR Hub now hiring
The ELIXIR Hub is currently hiring two posts: Project Manager Personal Assistant to the ELIXIR Director Full details of both posts are available on the ELIXIR vacancies page.
ELIXIR and GOBLET publish joint training strategy
GOBLET (Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training) and ELIXIR have formed a Joint Training Strategy, which sets out how the two initiatives will collaborate on training going forward. Developed on behalf of ELIXIR by the Training Coordinator's Group
ELIXIR Czech infrastructure formally launched
At the beginning of March representatives of eleven Czech universities and research institutes met in Prague to formally sign a consortium agreement setting up the Czech bioinformatics infrastructure, ELIXIR CZ. The signature crowned nearly four years of preparatory discussions and
Switzerland turns orange during ELIXIR Board meeting
Switzerland and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics hosted the recent ELIXIR Board meeting in Geneva on 13-14 April, arranging for the world famous Jet d’Eau fountain to be turned orange in the process. Further information and photos from this
Supporting innovation and the agri-food industries
Hinxton, UK - Tuesday 31st March 2015 ELIXIR, DTL and Wageningen University held a successful two day ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum in Wageningen on 18-19 March 2015. Eighty delegates attended the interactive two-day event, including over 50 companies. Companies
Building the foundation for Data and Software Carpentry
On 16-19th March, the ELIXIR Finland hosted the first event of the ELIXIR Pilot Project on 'Building the foundation for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry'. The event was hosted at the CSC IT Center for Science and consisted of two
CORBEL cluster project selected for funding
Major EU funding will support efforts to facilitate access to data, medical and biological facilities for life-science research. ELIXIR will coordinate a €14.5 million project over four years to establish and support a new model for biological and medical research
ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee Public Summary Report released
The public summary report issued by the ELIXIR Industry Advisory Comittee (IAC) following its first meeting, held in Hinxton on the 26 February 2015 is now available here. The report sets out a number of examples of the value of
New ELIXIR Hub staff boosts expertise in biomedical research data
The ELIXIR Hub is delighted to announce that Ilkka Lappalainen will help develop ELIXIR’s strategy for enabling clinical research using human data. Since establishing the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) in 2008, Ilkka has helped establish the resource with the scientific
UN designates SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics a reference centre for bioinformatics
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has designated SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics as a FAO Reference Centre for bioinformatics. SIB will collaborate with the FAO on the screening, monitoring and follow-up of zoonotic diseases. These
First ‘green’ Bring Your Own Data workshop on interoperability
The first “green genetics” Bring Your Own Data ( BYOD) workshop took place on 21 and 22 January 2015, organised by the Virtual Lab for Plant Breeding foundation ( VLBP), the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL) and ELIXIR. The
ELIXIR registry now live
ELIXIR Denmark has launched the ELIXIR Tools and Data Registry. This is a gateway to databases and tools for life science data analysis. It was designed with focus on both discovery and integration of these resources. It provides a comprehensive
DTL: Enabling data intensive research in the life sciences
The Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL), which acts as the ELIXIR Netherlands Node, has published an article showing the role it plays in facilitating life science research. DTL is a not-for-profit organisation made up of academic and industry partners
ELIXIR partners team up for success
Two separate ELIXIR collaborations have recently been awarded highly-prized grants from the Horizon 2020 WIDESPREAD Teaming Call. Translational medicine One project will see partners from the future ELIXIR Slovenia Node team up with experts from EMBL-EBI to help create a