
ELIXIR position on EU Data Protection Regulation

ELIXIR has produced a short paper outlining the potential impact the European Parliament's proposed amendements to the new EU Data Protection Regulation. If the proposed ammendments on informed consent are introduced in the final Regulation, the impact on medical science

ELIXIR UK seeks Node contacts for Data and Software Carpentry pilot

ELIXIR UK is looking to identify contacts to help support their pilot "Working up and building the foundation for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry within ELIXIR" which will include a series of initial events across different ELIXIR Nodes; and to

Academy of Finland grants funding for ELIXIR-Finland

The Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee (FIRI), the Academy of Finland's expert body for research infrastructures, has recently granted over EUR 16 million funding for a total of 41 infrastructure projects, including ELIXIR. The funding will be used by ELIXIR Finland

Launch of the ELIXIR Webinar series

This month sees the launch of a new ELIXIR Webinar series covering one topic per session, led by those involved in the activity in question (ELIXIR Pilot Action or Technical Task Force etc), the webinars will be one hour long

Research Software Engineer required

The University of Oxford, e-Research Centre (part of ELIXIR-UK), is seeking a Research Software Engineer to join their team. In this varied, interesting and challenging role the successful candidate will provide technical knowledge, software engineering and leadership ability for (i)

ELIXIR cited in RDA report

ELIXIR is one of the data sharing projects cited on page 14 of the Research Data Alliance 'Data Harvest Report' which examines how sharing research data can yield knowledge, jobs and growth. The report will be presented to the EC

ELIXIR Holds First Innovation and SME Forum in Copenhagen

The presentations given at the ELIXIR Innovation and SME forum event in Copenhagen on 24-25 November are now available below. The photos from the event are available via ELIXIR's Flickr page. Presentations from the Innovation and SME forum: Anders Krogh

Outcomes of the autumn ELIXIR Board meeting

The ELIXIR Board held its autumn 2014 meeting in Hinxton, Cambridge, on 3-4 November. The key decisions and outcomes of the meeting included: The appointment of ELIXIR Chair and Vice Chairs for 2015 An announcement of Spain’s decision to sign

Spain takes formal decision to ratify ELIXIR Consortium Agreement

On 30 October, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain took a formal decision to join ELIXIR as a full member. Prof. Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, confirmed that the inter-departmental process for approving

Announcing the first Data Carpentry workshop in the UK!

ELIXIR UK is bringing the first Data Carpentry workshop to the UK to help researchers in life sciences become more productive and efficient in their work with data. The workshop will take place at the University of Manchester, 27-28 November

SIB Awards 2015 - Call for Applications

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the Swiss Node of ELIXIR, has announced a call for applications for the SIB 2015 Awards. More information can be found here.

ELIXIR Programme for 2014-2018 now Published

ELIXIR's scientific and technical Programme for 2014-2018 has now been published. The programme sets out the focus of activities that ELIXIR partners will carry out over the current five-year period. This programme has been developed by over 100 scientists from

Finland joins ELIXIR

Finland has signed the Consortium Agreement establishing ELIXIR. Finland is the eleventh country to sign the agreement, after the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. The

ELIXIR UK Node seeks Scientific Programmer to work on ELIXIR metrics design and implementation

The UK Node is currently advertising for a Scientific Programmer to join their team at The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in Norwich, in order to work on the design and implementation of the infrastructure that will track impact metrics for

Bring Your Own Data

On 24- 25 June, the first of a series of Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) parties took place in Leiden, the Netherlands, in the context of an ELIXIR Pilot Action for a broader data FAIRport . In this first workshop

Portugal signs up to ELIXIR

Portugal has just become the tenth country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA), joining the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Norway, the Netherlands, Israel and EMBL as full members. The ECA provides the legal basis for ELIXIR

Call for nominations for Industry Advisory Committee members

ELIXIR invites industry representatives to put themselves forward for ELIXIR's Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). This high-level body will provide strategic advice to ELIXIR on its emerging services and industry support activities. The summary CV document below should be completed and

ELIXIR and Euro-BioImaging agree Image Data Strategy

On June 11th, Euro-BioImaging and ELIXIR published a joint collaboration strategy on image data to support access to biological image data and link it to biomolecular data. This collaboration is an important example of two European research infrastructures joining up

eduGAIN Data Protection Code of Conduct endorsed by ELIXIR

ELIXIR has recently endorsed the eduGAIN Data Protection Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct has also been endorsed by the CLARIN and DARIAH ESFRI Research Infrastructures, and the DASISH cluster project. Further information is available here.

ELIXIR endorses principles of Force11

ELIXIR has endorsed the data citation principles of Force11. Force11 is a community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders that has arisen organically to help facilitate the change toward improved knowledge creation and sharing. A full list of