
ELIXIR 'prioritised' by ESFRI

The Competitiveness Council yesterday approved a decision to include ELIXIR as one of three prioritised Research Infrastructures, along with the European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Earth Plate Observing System (EPOS). The process of prioritising these Research Infrastructures was led

Single sign on for life sciences - ELIXIR and eduGAIN

ELIXIR is featured in an article in the latest edition of GEANT's CONNECT magazine, which is available here. In the article, Dr Tommi Nyronen, the Head of Node for ELIXIR Finland, explains more about the concept of single sign on

Job Vacancy: ELIXIR UK looks for Software Engineer

ELIXIR UK is currently looking for a Software Engineer. The post is based at the University of Oxford's, e-Research Centre and has a closing date of 28 May. Further information is available here.

Israel becomes latest ECA country

Israel has today become the ninth country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA), joining the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and EMBL. The ECA provides the legal basis for ELIXIR and ratification means

ELIXIR Nodes team up for secure data

The ELIXIR Nodes in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway have joined up with NordForsk's Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration to work on the ‘ Tryggve’ project, a collaborative effort to manage and process sensitive biomedical data. An interview with Antti Pursula, the

Outcomes of first ELIXIR Board meeting

A number of great steps forward were taken at the first ELIXIR Board meeting in Helsinki on 7-8 April 2014. The draft ELIXIR programme for 2014-2018 was discussed in great detail by Members and is due to be adopted in

Denmark ratifies ELIXIR Consortium Agreement

Denmark has today become the eighth country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA), joining the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Norway, the Netherlands and EMBL. The ECA provides the legal basis for ELIXIR and ratification means that

ELIXIR Norway to co-host SocBiN annual conference

The 14th SocBiN (Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe) annual conference in bioinformatics will take place June 11-13 in Oslo, Norway, co-organized by the Norwegian Bioinformatics Platform and ELIXIR Norway. Further information can be found here.

Nature Genetics call for data analysis

Nature Genetics has issued a call for Data Analysis papers, which references ELIXIR and the Global Alliance. Further information is available here.

Job vacancy: ELIXIR Event Officer

A vacancy is currently open for the key post of ELIXIR Event Officer. The closing date for applications is 9 March 2014. A full job description is available here.

Job Vacancy: ELIXIR Project Manager

A vacancy is currently open for the post of ELIXIR Project Manager. The closing date for applications is 9 March 2014. The full job desciption is available here.

Netherlands ratifies ELIXIR Consortium Agreement

The Netherlands has today become the seventh country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA), which provides the legal basis for ELIXIR. The Netherlands now joins the UK, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Norway and EMBL in becoming full

Jointly designing a data fairport

On 13 - 16 January, the Dutch ELIXIR Node, in cooperation with the Netherlands eScience Center and the Lorentz Center, organized an ‘unconference’ entitled: ‘Jointly designing a Data FAIRPORT’. During these four days key aspects of a global infrastructure for

Establishing joint principles for data sharing

Partners from the EU-funded BioMedBridges cluster project have developed a joint position on the principles for data sharing across European Research Infrastructures. The document outlines the context in which data held by the Research Infrastructures involved is produced, archived, shared

Norway commits to supporting ELIXIR

Inge Jonnason (C), Head of Norwegian ELIXIR Node, with Robert-Jan Smits (L) and Finn Drablos (R) Norway is now the sixth country - and seventh member - to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA), the document providing the legal basis

ELIXIR launch: photos and presentations available

The presentations given at the ELIXIR launch event on 18 December are now available below. The photos from the event are available via ELIXIR's Flickr page. The event marked the ratification of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement and the formal launch

Belgium joins ELIXIR

Belgium becomes seventeenth country to sign ELIXIR MoU Brussels, 18 December 2013 - During the ELIXIR launch event in Brussels, Belgium announced that it had become the latest country to sign the ELIXIR Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This takes the

ELIXIR launches

On 18 December 2013, ELIXIR enters its permanent phase as Estonia becomes the fifth country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement. This marks the formal launch of the infrastructure for biological data in Europe, supporting life science research and its

Interview with Swiss ELIXIR Node

The most recent edition of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation's newsletter includes an in-depth interview with Professor Ron Appel, the Executive Director of SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. SIB is the Swiss ELIXIR Node. The interview

Enlighten Your Research Global: ELIXIR Pilot wins award

On November 18, 2013, at the Supercomputing Conference SC13 in Denver (US), the Enlighten Your Research (EYR) Global award were announced. EYR Global aims to identify research programs that could significantly benefit from enhanced global network connectivity. One of the