Building the foundation for Data and Software Carpentry

On 16-19th March, the ELIXIR Finland hosted the first event of the ELIXIR Pilot Project on 'Building the foundation for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry'. The event was hosted at the CSC IT Center for Science and consisted of two parts. 

The first part was a two-day hackathon to create new and improve existing training materials for Data Carpentry. Another purpose of the hackathon was to introduce the concept, paradigms and models of teaching for Software and Data Carpentry to the representatives of the ELIXIR Nodes. Eleven ELIXIR Nodes were represented at the hackathon, and the goal of spreading the knowledge about the Carpentry model of training was achieved.

The hackathon included a presentation about Data Carpentry, a discussion about the Software and Data Carpentry lesson template and the licensing of the training materials.
The further work during the hackathon the carried on in different teams who focused on developing new material or improving and enhancing the existing one.  The hackathon was followed by a Data Carpentry workshop also hosted at the CSC IT Center for Science.  Several from almost 30 participants of the workshop expressed their interest in helping to run more Data Carpentry workshops in Finland. 

The hackathon and workshop in Finland would not have been possible with a lot of engagement, effort and help from the hosts: Tommi Nyrönen, Eija Korpelainen and Ari-Matti Saren. Full details of the event are available from the ELIXIR UK website here

The next event within the Pilot Project will be hosted by ELIXIR Netherlands on 22-25 June 2015 at Utrecht University.

