G7 report highlights ELIXIR as example of global research infrastructure

The G7 Group of Senior Officials (GSO) on Global Research Infrastructures has published its Progress Report for 2015. The report has been in preparation for a number of years and was formally approved at the recent meeting of the G7 Science Ministers on 8-9 October 2015. It is intended to set out progress that has been made by the GSO group since its formation.

In the report, ELIXIR is named as a Global Research Infrastructure due to the potential it has for collaboration with, and membership from, countries across the globe (Annex 6). Under the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE grant, ELIXIR will in 2015-2016 develop a formal international strategy, mapping out the international countries and initiatives that will be the focus of collaboration.

Group of Senior Officials on Global Research Infrastructures Progress Report 2015 (pdf)

Read also: Group of experts is to issue a report on global research infrastructures
