ELIXIR and de.NBI agree Collaboration Strategy

ELIXIR and de.NBI, the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure, have today agreed a strategy to guide collaboration and lead towards full Membership in ELIXIR by Germany. The Collaboration Strategy sets out the areas in which the two initiatives will cooperate, including topics such as standards and ontologies, training and registries.

The Collaboration Strategy builds on recent joint activities between ELIXIR and de.NBI, such as a codefest in Freiburg to curate de.NBI services in bio.tools, ELIXIR’s service registry run by ELIXIR Denmark.  

Niklas Blomberg, ELIXIR Director said: ”We are delighted to collaborate closely with de.NBI and see this as a natural first step towards Germany’s full Membership in ELIXIR. Ensuring that developments taking place within de.NBI can be integrated across ELIXIR is critical for effective coordination of Europe’s bioinformatics infrastructure.”

Alfred Pühler, Coordinator of de.NBI, said; ‘A priority for de.NBI is engaging in European and global bioinformatics activities and ELIXIR provides a perfect platform for German participation in this.”

ELIXIR and de.NBI will in parallel work with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to support German Membership of ELIXIR during 2016.

ELIXIR and de.NBI Collaboration Strategy

About de.NBI

de.NBI, the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure,was officially started on 1 March 2015 and is  financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The network consists of eight Service Centers which collaborate to meet the goals of the network.

de.NBI  provides comprehensive first class bioinformatics services to users in basic and applied life science research. It coordinates bioinformatics training and education in Germany and supports cooperation of the German bioinformatics community with international bioinformatics network structures.

More information: www.denbi.de
