ELIXIR Equal Opportunities Strategy

This document outlines the equal opportunities strategy for ELIXIR, covering the Hub and the Nodes that comprise the infrastructure.
The Equal Opportunities Strategy for ELIXIR is designed to inform the Handbook of Operations. The strategy covers recommendations on equal opportunities for the ELIXIR Hub and Nodes, and also ELIXIR’s advisory and governance committees, trainers, events, tools and services and ELIXIR Communities.

ELIXIR Position Paper on Suitable Business Models for Open Data

This documents outlines ELIXIR’s position on the different business models for access and use of bioinformatics data. Reflecting its commitment to Open Data, Open Source and Open Science, ELIXIR's recommendation for the European Open Science Cloud is that non-depletable resources (such as data, tools and software and standards) developed through public funding should be provided to users without charge (i.e. a “public good”).

ELIXIR’s Long-term sustainability plan

The aim of this document is to set out previous, current and future actions in order to support the sustainability and long-term funding of ELIXIR’s activities, particularly ELIXIR Nodes and the services they run. The plan is aimed at both internal and external stakeholders: internal stakeholders being the ELIXIR partners who run the Nodes and services that require sustaining, and the external stakeholders being the funding agencies (national, European and International) and policy-makers that have the means to do so.