ELIXIR Interoperability Platform Virtual Face-to-Face (EIPvF2F)Starting Now
1112 May 2020 | ONLINE
To find all the details of the virtual event, go here.
We welcome all ELIXIR Member to this virtual Interoperability Meeting. For last-minute registrations, contact Sirarat Sarntivijai.
New content from the ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum
Last week, we hosted the second EBIF webinar with Blanca Jordan from Atos. You can now watch all EBIF webinars on our YouTube Channel
Keep an eye on the upcoming webinars:
EBIF Series | Open source software in the life sciences
28 May 2020 | Online
EBIF Series | Large scale cloud computing in the life sciences
23 June 2020 | Online
New ESFRI White Paper launched
ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures, has published a White Paper setting out its vision for the coming years and describing its views on the importance of topics ranging from sustainability innovation and impact.
We have created an ELIXIR COVID-19 webpage to list all ELIXIR services that support researchers working on SARS-CoV-2. The site will be updated periodically to display new resources.
You can track our advance on compiling COVID-19 projects by accessing our shared document that includes all services and initiatives from the Nodes.
This is an internal document. Please, do not share outside ELIXIR.
Please, use this to discuss and exchange ideas on SARS-CoV-2 research initiatives, consider collaboration opportunities across ELIXIR Nodes and share results of your work on COVID-19 with other ELIXIR members.
If you haven't joined the workspace yet, don't forget to connect with us on Slack or email Katharina Lauer to be part of the conversation
ELIXIR France develops a database for CT scans from suspected COVID-19 patients
IFB developed the resource to structure thoracic scans for patients suspected of COVID-19 pneumonia. The tool can be integrated into Radiological Information Systems and allows the extraction of data.
ELIXIR Greece offers expertise to community-driven efforts against COVID-19
The Greek Node is offering support to initiatives such as the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 Working Group
Tip of the Week
Did you know you can access an interactive map to navigate through ELIXIR Institutes and Nodes?
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR CH | SIB publishes the annual activity report
The Swiss Node has published for this year a report dedicated to health data and Open Knowledge navigating through SIBs leading tools and databases.
Explore here the latest SIB profile
Updates from Platforms
Bioconductor 3.11 releasedincluding an updated BridgeDbR and rWikiPathways packages.
An OpenEbench publicationthe first international community Quest for Orthologues switching to using OpenEbench for benchmarking.
Have you got a great idea for EOSC-Life related training such as a face-to-face course or e-learning? Do you need help to fund it and pull it together?
Apply to the EOSC-Life Training OpenCall!
Deadline May 29
Updates from Communities
New Galaxy Webinar Series on workflows for SARS-CoV-2 data
Session 3: Cheminformatics: Screening of the main protease
14 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 4: Evolution of the Virus
20 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST
Session 5: Deployment
28 May 2020 | 17.0018.00 CEST Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.
EBIF Series | Open source software in the life sciences
28 May 2020 | Online
ELIXIR All Hands Meeting
810 June 2020 | Online
EBIF Series | Large scale cloud computing in the life sciences
23 June 2020 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
19th European Conference on Computational Biology
59 September 2020 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe
9-13 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section (also including vacancies from industry). Submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.
Natural Language Processing engineer position at the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)
Angular GUI developer position at the PharmacoInformatics group
Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB)
Research Engineer at the INB Computational team
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES
Bioinformatics Data Analyst at the INB/ELIXIR-ES coordination team
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) - part of ELIXIR-ES
Bioinformatics Post-doc - Single Cell RNAseq of innate immune cells
Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center (CBiB)