ELIXIR Equal Opportunities Strategy

This document outlines the equal opportunities strategy for ELIXIR, covering the Hub and the Nodes that comprise the infrastructure.
The Equal Opportunities Strategy for ELIXIR is designed to inform the Handbook of Operations. The strategy covers recommendations on equal opportunities for the ELIXIR Hub and Nodes, and also ELIXIR’s advisory and governance committees, trainers, events, tools and services and ELIXIR Communities.
The Equal Opportunities Strategy for ELIXIR outlines the data and metrics that the Hub and Nodes are recommended to collect relating to equality and diversity. The Strategy covers the cycle for data collection, monitoring and feeding this back into practice.
Finally, the Equal Opportunities strategy describes strategies for establishing an ELIXIR Equal Opportunities Toolkit, collaborations with other networks and projects and outlines the path to a formal ELIXIR Equal Opportunities Policy.

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