Weekly Brief, 14 April 2020
In memoriam, James Taylor
On the 2nd of April, we received the sad news that we had lost James Taylor, co-founder of Galaxy. At ELIXIR, we appreciate and recognise the full worth of the effort he put into the Galaxy project.
Frederik Coppens, Head of Node in Belgium, wrote a beautiful eulogy to his colleague to remember James Taylor's commitment, work ethic and success, both as a professional and as a friend.
Weekly Brief, 20 April 2020
The EC publishes COVID-19 Action Plan
ELIXIR and Partners will be key to develop two of the main key action points of the European Commission Plan to tackle the pandemic:
- Point 8. Access to Research Infrastructures
- Point 9. Research Data Sharing Platform
Key Contributors Update, 9 April 2020
This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact joana.wingender@elixir-europe.org for any questions.
Key Contributors Update, 17 April 2020
This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact joana.wingender@elixir-europe.org for any questions.
Research Software Engineer/Sysadmin
Three bioinformatics postdoctoral positions
Key Contributors Update, 3 April 2020
This update is sent weekly on Friday afternoon and goes to ELIXIR key stakeholders. It contains requests for actions regarding operations and developments within ELIXIR. Contact joana.wingender@elixir-europe.org for any questions.
Weekly Brief, 6 April 2020
ELIXIR-coordinated B1MG proposal enters the grant preparation phase
The project is due to start in June and we will issue a full news release closer to the start date. Until then, please don't disseminate this news outside ELIXIR.
The project will see ELIXIR Nodes work with Member States and other partners to implement a plan for the Declaration on Access to a Million Genomes.
For questions, please contact Juan Arenas.
Weekly Brief, 23 March 2020
Important Notice
The ELIXIR Hub has decided to cancel the 2020 All Hands meeting. We hope this decision will allow the ELIXIR community to focus on managing the challenging situation we are all in. Even if we do not meet in person in Amsterdam, please keep the dates 8-11 June 2020 free in your calendar. We are looking into options hosting a virtual event and will communicate the details of this in the coming weeks.