Weekly Brief, 23 March 2020

Important Notice

The ELIXIR Hub has decided to cancel the 2020 All Hands meeting. We hope this decision will allow the ELIXIR community to focus on managing the challenging situation we are all in. Even if we do not meet in person in Amsterdam, please keep the dates 8-11 June 2020 free in your calendar. We are looking into options hosting a virtual event and will communicate the details of this in the coming weeks.

Join the ELIXIR COVID-19 Task Force

We are creating a workspace to discuss and exchange ideas on SARS-CoV-2 related research initiatives, consider opportunities for collaboration across ELIXIR Nodes and share results of your work on COVID-19 with other ELIXIR members

Join the ELIXIR COVID19-Task-Force workspace on Slack or email Katharina Lauer (katharina.lauer@elixir-europe.org) to be part of the conversation.

Look at the Nodes section for some representative cases

Representing ELIXIR at the NAS

Last week, Carole Goble and Michael Crusoe were 2 of the 4 EU representants at the National Academies of Sciences expert group virtual workshop on workflows. They both flew the flag for ELIXIR.

Tips for Remote Workers

We have some tips to share with all the unexpected remote workers that started last week.
Take a look here.

EBIF online registration now Open

As previously announced, the Bioinformatics Industry Forum will now be fully virtual. Please, follow the link to register.

To those who had already registered to attend, we urge you to re-register once again for the virtual meeting.

ELIXIR Featured in Chapter 19

Cross-platform Software Development and Distribution with Bioconda and BioContainers in Processing Metabolomics and Proteomics Data with Open Software: A Practical Guide

The FAIRplus Innovation & SME Forum Video is now live

Watch the recently released post-event video, featuring the project Coordinator, Serena Scollen, and take a peek to know what we discussed.

Tip of the Week

Did you know you can use our ELIXIR photo archive?

Updates from Nodes

ELIXIR BE | Our collaborative work on open, reproducible, accessible COVID-19 analysis was picked-up by Knack, a Flemish magazine. They realised a nice piece of science communication for the general public. Read it here. ELIXIR IL | Experts at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem have written a preliminary report on SARS-CoV-2 distinctive strategies for interacting with the ACE2 human recepto.r Read it here. Updates from Platforms

As you know, Rachel Drysdale, our Platform Coordinator, left ELIXIR in early March. We have now opened a vacancy to recruit a successor to Rachel.Given the present circumstances, we will be open for applications until the end of April.

Wikidata is a data source for identifying mappings for metabolites and other small chemicals in the BridgeDb RIR. ELIXIR NL partners at Maastricht University have shared their use of Wikidata in their interoperability work in eLife. Read it here.

We have created the virtual cover for the BioHackathon COVID-19 on GitHub. Sign up and join in remotely.

This March, a Lorentz Center Workshop on Automated Workflow Composition in the Life Sciences was held in Leiden, Netherlands. The participants discussed the state of the art, ongoing developments and future directions of domain ontologies and semantic tool annotations, automation of workflow composition process, and much more.
Read the outcomes here.

Job board

All vacancies, including those from industry, are also published on the ELIXIR website vacancies section. Don't hesitate to submit vacancies from your Node or industry partners.

Bioinformatics Training and Support - SIB, ELIXIR Switzerland
Training Group at SIB and Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit at University of Bern

Post-doc position in protein bioinformatics
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Bioinformatician, genomic analyses of pediatric sarcomas
Princess Mxima Center for Pediatric Oncology

Postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics at the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) - part of ELIXIR-ES

Postdoctoral fellow in biological data science at the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) - part of ELIXIR-ES

Upcoming ELIXIR events

ELIXIR Training Courses

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes.

WEBINAR. Data-integration platform for cancer research
26 March 2020 | 3:30 PM CET

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

ELIXIR Bioinformatics Industry Forum
28 April 2020 | NOW ONLINE

19th ECCB | European Conference on Computational Biology
5 -9 September 2020 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

BioHackathon Europe 2020
9 - 13 November 2020 | Barcelona, Spain