Final Report on Strategy for Data Resources
Preparatory phase reports(WP2)
Legacy filename
Legacy updated
Preparatory phase reports(WP2)
Word version of the ELIXIR Collaboration Agreement template
In the case of distributed ELIXIR Nodes, the Lead Institute may provide a warrenty document (as Annex 4 to the Collaboration Agreement) which should satisfy the same purpose as an underlying Node Consortium Agreement.
ELIXIR Node Poster template
PDF copy of all the ELIXIR Node posters
ELIXIR overview report issued by the ELIXIR SAB following their summer teleconference held in June 2013.
ELIXIR overview report issued by the ELIXIR SAB following their first meeting held in December 2012.
ELIXIR overview report issued by the ELIXIR SAB following their meeting held in December 2013.