The EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is an academic research institute based in the UK, and is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Established in 1994, EMBL-EBI grew out of EMBL’s commitment to making biological data and information accessible to life scientists in all disciplines.

EMBL-EBI serves the scientific community by providing freely available bioinformatics resources, promoting basic research, providing training to scientists at all levels and disseminating cutting-edge technologies to the academic community and industry.

ELIXIR Denmark

The overall purpose of the Danish ELIXIR Node of bioinformatics tool interoperability and integration is to address the main problems in tool utilisation experienced currently by the life sciences community. We propose to focus on the following key services: 

ELIXIR Czech Republic

ELIXIR Czech Republic is a consortium of 14 partner institutions coordinated by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The consortium is constituted by five institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, seven universities, one international clinical research centre, and one e-infrastructure.

ELIXIR Belgium

The Belgian ELIXIR Node is led by VIB, a life sciences research institute performing basic research with a strong focus on translating​ scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. Other partners are the Belgian Universities of Ghent (UGent), Leuven (KULeuven), Antwerp (UAntwerp), Hasselt (UHasselt), Brussels (VUB and ULB) and Liège (ULg), and the Belgian scientific institute for public health (Sciensano).