Weekly Brief, 8 February 2021

Beta-release RDMKit

ELIXIR-CONVERGE project announces the internal release

This website-based toolkit, a collaborative effort from all ELIXIR Nodes, is designed to guide life scientists and data stewards in managing their research data.

The RDMkit will get its public beta release on 31 March 2021. We envision this to become a flagship resource for ELIXIR in research data management, covering all aspects relevant to life sciences.

Key Contributors Update, 5 February 2021

For Action New

Requests for periodic Node reviews in 2021

The 2019-23 Programme mid-term review meeting will take place virtually in June 2021. Due to time constraints, a virtual meeting could exclude periodic reviews of ELIXIR Nodes. Heads of Nodes are asked to contact the Hub in the event that there is an immediate need for a periodic Node review by the ELIXIR SAB is to take place in 2021.

For requests or questions, please contact Joana Wingender

Weekly Brief, 1 February 2021

Open letter: Support data sharing for COVID-19

EMBL-EBI has initiated a call for data sharing as open data is key to accelerate COVID-19 research and prepare for future outbreaks. Our director Niklas Blomberg, EMBLs DG Edith Heard, EMBl-EBI's directors Ewan Birney and Rolf Apwiler, Guy Cochrane, Christine Durinx and hundreds of other scientists have already signed it.

We encourage all ELIXIR members to sign the letter in support of open data.

Sign the letter to support open data