Beta-release RDMKit
ELIXIR-CONVERGE project announces the internal release
This website-based toolkit, a collaborative effort from all ELIXIR Nodes, is designed to guide life scientists and data stewards in managing their research data.
The RDMkit will get its public beta release on 31 March 2021. We envision this to become a flagship resource for ELIXIR in research data management, covering all aspects relevant to life sciences.
We invite ELIXIR colleagues, including Platforms, Communities and Focus Groups, to help us with content, feedback and revisions, and to join the editorial team and the band of contributors. Navigate the toolkit Register for the early-bird demo webinar | 1 March 2021, 2 pm CET
This Thursday jump on the ELIXIR equality wagon
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
11 February 2021
We thank everyone for submitting your nominations for this day. We will showcase stories and celebrate the nominated ELIXIR equality advocates. Follow all ELIXIR stories for this day with #ELIXIRforEquality.
We welcome everyone to share their personal thoughts and stories using the same hashtag. You can also download any of our images for this special day.
ELIXIR welcomes new CTO
Peter Maccallum
Peter will start his new position in April. He is currently Associate Director for Genome Informatics in AstraZeneca's Centre for Genomics Research. Prior to AZ he was Head of Research Computing Services at UCL, leading a team delivering University and national HPC including the UK National Facility for Materials and Molecular Modelling.
We will offer more information about him shortly.
Connect with him on LinkedIn
This Week's webinar
GALAXY Webinar Series | Insights from selection analysis of complete genomes and read-level data
10 February 2021 | 5 pm CET, Online
Join this Wednesday the fourth session of this webianr series with Sergei Pond.
Register today
Recommended read of the week
Next-generation sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes: challenges, applications and opportunities
an ELIXIR-CONVERGE paper in Briefings in Bioinformatics
Diverse approaches and sequencing methods can, as testified by the number of available sequences, be applied to SARS-CoV-2 genomes. However, each technology and sequencing approach has its own advantages and limitations. In the current review, we will provide a brief, but hopefully comprehensive, account of currently available platforms and methodological approaches for the sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes.
Continue reading...
Updates from Nodes
ELIXIR-CH | Apply to the Bioinformatics Resource Innovation Award
The Bioinformatics Resource Innovation Award is an international award that recognises newly developed bioinformatics resources with an important impact on life science research or the clear potential to make such an impact.
Deadline: 28 February 2021
Apply now
ELIXIR-DE | de.NBI needs your help to determine the level of awareness of their infrastructure
de.NBI has launched a survey to determine the level of awareness of de.NBI the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure
Submit your feedback
ELIXIR-FI | HEAP project, understanding environmental factors that affect human health.
CSC (ELIXIR-FI) is part of this 5-year Horizon 2020 EU project to help understand the relationship between environmental factors and human health.
Discover more
ELIXIR-FR announces FAIR training offer to French-speaking public
At the beginning of this year, the IFB/ELIXIR-FR announces three FAIR training courses open to the French-speaking European public:
- 1519 March 2021 | Open Science and DMP training advanced audience
- 2830 June 2021 | FAIR principles applied to bioinformatics for bioinformaticians and bio-analysts
- 1619 November 202021 | Open Science and DMP training beginner audience
ELIXIR-NL | award-winning PhD candidate at Maastricht University publishes synopsis in Chemical Research in Toxicology
Marvin Martens, PhD candidate at Maastricht University, won the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Chemical Toxicology Award to attend last Autumn the 2020 ACS Virtual Symposium.
A synopsis on the Metabolism and Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds session was published in Chemical Research in Toxicology (doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00439)
ELIXIR-UK | FAIRsharnig signs an agreement with OpenAIRE
FAIRsharing has signed an agreement with OpenAIRE, an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure, to share and integrate metadata on databases, standards and data policies. Manually-curated and community-verified metadata from FAIRsharing will be able to reach a wider audience via OpenAIRE.
Find out more here
Updates from Communities
Global Galaxy Course
15-19 February 2021 | Online
The Galaxy Training Network (GTN) is organising a global 5-day training event, showcasing a wide variety of life-sciences content. This will be an online event, spanning all time zones. All training sessions are pre-recorded to work through them at your own pace and manage your own time. A large community of GTN's trainers will be available via online support to answer all your questions.
Register today
Updates from Focus Groups
ELIXIR Industry and Innovation Focus Group
Last month, Merlijn van Rijswijk, ELIXIR-NL, gave a presentation on Public-Private Partnerships in the Netherlands for the ELIXIR Industry and Innovation Focus Group. The presentation slides are now available to everyone.
Download the slides
Updates from other initiatives
Denmark joins the 1+MG Initiative
Denmark has just signed the declaration of cooperation to achieve genomic health data access to at least 1 million sequenced genomes by 2022.
This new edition brings the total number of participating Member states to twenty-four.
Read more about it
Health-RI conference 2020
4 March 2021 | Online
This online Health-RI conference will showcase national health data infrastructures, Health-RI communities and offer an international perspective.
Participation is free of charge but registration is required.
Register for this event
Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars
ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars
The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. A link off to the TeSS portal
GALAXY Webinar Series | Insights from selection analysis of complete genomes and read-level data
10 February 2021 | 5 pm CET, Online
ELIXIR Webinar: Crowd-sourcing the annotation of public proteomics datasets to improve data reusability
18 February 2021 | 3 pm CET, Online
Workshop | Tools for Systems biology modelling and data exchange
2022 April 2021 | Online
ELIXIR Events and Conferences
Innovation and SME Forum: Data-Driven Innovation in the Agritech Sector
1012 March 2021 | Online
[BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference
13-15 September 2021 | Basel, Switzerland A full day of bioinformatics workshops and tutorials will take place on 13 September. You can submit your proposals before 5 March 2021.
Job vacancies
All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job
PhD position: Bioinformatics dissection of aberrant developmental progression during tumorigenesis using a single-cell multi-omics approach (INSERM, CNRS, AMU, Marseille)
PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics
University of Oslo
Bioinformatics Data Analyst
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), INB/ELIXIR-ES coordination node
Junior Bioinformatics Data Analyst
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), INB/ELIXIR-ES coordination node
Technical research manager
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), INB/ELIXIR-ES coordination node