Key Contributors Update, 5 February 2021

For Action New

Requests for periodic Node reviews in 2021

The 2019-23 Programme mid-term review meeting will take place virtually in June 2021. Due to time constraints, a virtual meeting could exclude periodic reviews of ELIXIR Nodes. Heads of Nodes are asked to contact the Hub in the event that there is an immediate need for a periodic Node review by the ELIXIR SAB is to take place in 2021.

For requests or questions, please contact Joana Wingender

For Action Ongoing

We would like to remind you that the Request for Proposals for the Data Platform Implementation Studies is open. Nodes are encouraged to submit proposals as of 1 February until the closing date on 31 March.

For questions, please contact Susanna Repo

Collating content for the 2021 Annual Report

Deadline: 26 February 2021

Nodes are asked to submit their contribution for the ELIXIR 2021 Annual Report. We would like to particularly stress the need to focus only on the highlights of 2020, and avoid mentioning tasks / projects that started before this period, unless they've been key for 2020.

Please also note that the information included in this year's annual report and 2019's will be used as material for the mid-term review.

We have created a dedicated template for each Node with some guidelines and what you wrote in 2029 (for inspiration). Please add your relevant 2020 Node highlights to the template before the deadline of 26 February. For questions, contact Xenia Perez Sitja (

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes Retreat

11-12 May 2021 (virtual)

Heads of Nodes TC

9 September | 11:00-14:00 (CEST)

Heads of Nodes TC