Search ELIXIR-funded activities

ELIXIR's funded activities guide future service development, drive standards adoption and connect ELIXIR Nodes (see Who we are).

Name of study Platform/Community End date
ELIXIR Compute Platform (2024-26) Compute
ELIXIR Data Input/Output (IO): Seamless, uninterrupted transfer of major datasets across Europe
ELIXIR Data Platform (2024-26) Data
ELIXIR Federated Human Data (2019-21)
ELIXIR Hybrid Cloud Compute
ELIXIR Hybrid Cloud (2022-23) Compute
ELIXIR integration from a user perspective Training, Tools, Marine Metagenomics, Plant Sciences, Rare Diseases, Galaxy, Metabolomics
ELIXIR Interoperability Platform (2024-26) Interoperability
ELIXIR LEadership And Diversity mentoring programme - ELEAD Pilot
ELIXIR proof of concept study on the availability of big datasets on remote compute infrastructure Compute, Training, Galaxy
ELIXIR Rare Disease Community services and international collaborations (2022-23) Rare Diseases
ELIXIR Tools Platform (2024-26) Tools
ELIXIR Training Platform (2024-26) Training
ELIXIR – IMI OncoTrack scoping study on long-term data handling
Enabling the reuse, extension, scaling, and reproducibility of scientific workflows (2018-cwl) Interoperability, Compute, Tools, Training, Galaxy
Establishment of an ELIXIR Contextual Data Clearinghouse Data, Marine Metagenomics
Expanding the Galaxy: meeting (the needs of) ELIXIR Communities Galaxy
Exploiting Bioschemas Markup to Support ELIXIR Communities Interoperability
Extending open proteomics data analysis pipelines in the cloud: Additional tools and focus on scalability, supporting the dramatic growth of public proteomics data Data, Compute, Tools, Proteomics
FAIR Service Architecture Interoperability
FAIR-FEGA: Accelerating high-quality FAIR data deposition in Federated EGA
FAIRification of Genomic Tracks Interoperability
FAIRness of the current ELIXIR Core resources: Application (and test) of newly available FAIR metrics, and identification of steps to increase interoperability (2018-FAIRCDR) Data, Interoperability, Training, Rare Diseases
First hCNV Community Implementation Study Human Copy Number Variation (hCNV), Innovation and industry, Interoperability
FONDUE - FAIR-ification of Plant Genotyping Data and its linking to Phenotyping using ELIXIR Platforms Plant Sciences, Data, Interoperability
Food and Nutrition: Microbiome - Diet - Health (2022-23) Food and Nutrition
Funding models for knowledge bases – Towards a sustainable funding model for the UniprotKB/Swiss-Prot use case Data
Galaxy Community Implementation Study Galaxy
Gap analysis, training materials development and training delivery (2022-23) Training
Gap analysis, training materials development and training delivery Training