FAIR-FEGA: Accelerating high-quality FAIR data deposition in Federated EGA

The Federated EGA (FEGA) network is an ELIXIR supported infrastructure for making human genomic data discoverable and accessible across ELIXIR nodes. The project seeks to accelerate data depositions into FEGA, which will significantly increase the data flow in and from FEGA nodes.

In alignment with the goals of the Human data and translational research tier of the ELIXIR 2024–2028 work programme, this proposal will promote seamless data integration and increase global researchers’ confidence in the data stored within FEGA, thus strengthening the network's position as a trusted resource for genomic data. It will build capacity within the FEGA nodes and increase awareness in a wide range of stakeholders, thus achieving the ultimate goal of enhancing data reuse.

The project will be carried out by a strategic consortium comprising seven ELIXIR nodes and two ELIXIR communities. Partners represent four FEGA nodes at different levels of maturity, a member of the Cancer Data Community, and both institutions managing Central EGA. The proposal is formulated around five timely coordinated tasks in which all the partners contribute with their expertise to the final outcomes converging in the deposition of several datasets into different nodes, testing the new tools and metadata model and blueprinting deposition of high quality FAIR data in the future.