Gap analysis, training materials development and training delivery
The objectives of this task are to:
- Identify emerging gaps in training provision
- Facilitate the development of training materials
- Support the organization of training events.
This study will develop a 'Co-production' model whereby the Training Platform works with a Platform, Community or Node to plan training events, requiring commitment (expertise and/or funding) from the appropriate body. Under current funding, the Training Platform wil be able to support, each year:
- 3 hackathons (3PM in WP2)
- 10 courses (2PM in WP3)
WP1 - Gap analysis in ELIXIR Platforms, Communities, Nodes and Industry
Work Package 1 will produce a biannual report on the training needs and gaps for all ELIXIR Platforms and Communities with a prioritization of training courses, through dedicated surveys and in a limited number of dedicated meetings between the TrP and representatives of the Platforms, Communities, Nodes, resource providers and Industry
WP2 - Development of Training materials for identified gaps and for ELIXIR Services, Resources, and Communities
The Training Platform will organize hackathons to gather the experts in the identified topics and together produce training materials, to be made available in TeSS, adhering to the concepts of FAIR (also in relationship with the respective group of the TrP), and tracking of their reuse available. The use of such materials will be promoted in
- Dedicated courses
- Train-the-Trainer courses
- Supported through the staff exchange programme.
WP3 - Scaling up ELIXIR Training
The Training Platform will launch a competitive RFP to select topics for a limited number of training courses, and will also support running of new or mature courses which are organized and funded by other Platforms, Communities or Nodes.