ELIXIR funds internal projects that connect and integrate services across ELIXIR Nodes. These projects are led by experts from specific Platforms or Communities, leveraging national strengths and facilitating collaboration and integration across ELIXIR Nodes.
There are two types of internal projects:
- Commissioned Services
- Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange
Commissioned Services
Commissioned Services are projects funded through ELIXIR's own budget. They’re projects that:
Develop and connect ELIXIR services
Support collaboration between ELIXIR Platforms and Communities
Drive work in areas that are strategically important to ELIXIR
The current Commissioned Services projects align with ELIXIR's 2024–28 Scientific Programme priorities: Science, Technology, People and Nodes. Click on the links below to discover more about the Commissioned Services projects for each priority.
Enables scientists to access and analyse life science data
Deliver services to support distributed data management and analytics
Equip national Nodes for successful long-term operations
Develop people and capacity to benefit science and society
Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange
These projects strengthen the links between and facilitate capacity building in ELIXIR Nodes, as well as supporting the exchange of best practices in bioinformatics service provision. They include Staff Exchanges, Travel Grants, Knowledge Exchanges and Industry days.Calls now open
Commissioned Services
Calls now open for the Linking Data theme of the Human data and translational research Commissioned ServiceCapacity Building and Knowledge Exchange
Find out how to apply for funding for Staff Exchanges, Travel Grants, Knowledge Exchanges and Industry daysFind out more
- Discover how ELIXIR’s internal projects have improved connections across ELIXIR Nodes
- See the Commissioned Services FAQs intranet page
- Find out about the Commissioned Services Guidelines
- Search for old and current internal projects
- Read about the results of recently closed calls: Biodiversity, food security and pathogens, Cellular and molecular research and Human data and translational research