Key Contributors Update, 2 December 2022
For Information
2023-2024 Horizon Europe Work Programmes
2023-2024 Horizon Europe Work Programmes
The call for workshops at All Hands Meeting 2023 is now open. This is for all ELIXIR Platforms, Communities, Focus Groups and Node Officers (TeC, TrC, Node Coordinators etc). Submissions should be made through Oxford Abstracts and should be of interest to more than one ELIXIR group.
Final Reminder! HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06
ELIXIR is coordinating a proposal in response to Horizon Europe call, HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06 on Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC. We would like to hear from ELIXIR Nodes which would be interested in participating in this call, and have prepared a questionnaire on current capabilities for secure data handling to capture such Expressions of Interest.
What? Creating training materials in sustainable and reproducible code, part of ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP2
Who? Those interested in developing training in version control, literate programming, software testing, documentation, design and CI/CD.
Find out more and register your interest by 15 December
The European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project launched in Brussels on Thursday 17 November 2022. The new 40 million project, coordinated by ELIXIR, is jointly funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme, and through co-funding from participating Member States.
Read the news
ELIXIR is coordinating a proposal in response to Horizon Europe call, HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-06 on Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC. We would like to hear from ELIXIR Nodes which would be interested in participating in this call, and have prepared a questionnaire on current capabilities for secure data handling to capture such Expressions of Interest.
Summary of ELIXIR Board meeting, November 2022
The 18th ELIXIR Board meeting took place from 2-3 November in Hinxton, UK.
We are happy to announce that the ELIXIR Board approved the Membership application submitted by the Republic of Croatia and invited the country to ratify the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement (ECA). Croatia will officially become an ELIXIR Member when it has ratified and signed the ECA, which is likely to be in 2023.
Last week, we held the 5th BioHackathon Europe in Paris, France.
The event attracted more than 170 on-site and 130 virtual participants from across the world to work on 35 life science projects. It was a successful hybrid event with lots of fruitful outcomes! Stay tuned to find out more about the event in our upcoming news release.
Final Reminder! Draft ELIXIR 2024-28 Programme
Heads of Nodes are kindly reminded to provided feedback regarding Part A of the draft ELIXIR 2024-28 Programme by Friday, 11 November.
In the case of any questions, please contact Jerry Lanfear (jerry.lanfear [at]
Marieke Willems joined us last week as a Project Manager at the ELIXIR Project Management Office. She will be project managing the BY-COVID project.