Weekly Brief, 5 December 2022

This week's highlights

Call for Workshops at ELIXIR All Hands Meeting 2023

Deadline: 23 January 2023

The call for workshops at All Hands Meeting 2023 is now open. This is for all ELIXIR Platforms, Communities, Focus Groups and Node Officers (TeC, TrC, Node Coordinators etc). Submissions should be made through Oxford Abstracts and should be of interest to more than one ELIXIR group.

More details and the link for submissions

New staff in ELIXIR Hub

Daniel Barrowdale joined the ELIXIR Hub last week as a Scientific Officer in the Human Genomics and Translational Data team. He will be coordinating our cancer related research infrastructure projects and working on two cancer projects (CanServ and EOSC4Cancer) as well as on use cases across other large scale projects.

Sixth Show & Tell: ELIXIR Netherlands case study and experience-sharing based on national funders report

16 December 2022 | 14.00 CET

Celia van Gelder and Rob Hooft from ELIXIR Netherlands will present an update on their impact case study as well as share experience on a recent request for information from a national funder. This event is part of the ELIXIR Strategic Implementation Study on Impact, in collaboration with ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP4. All participants are welcome to join, especially those involved in ELIXIR and interested in impact evaluation.

Register now

Recommended reads

Beacon v2 and Beacon networks: A lingua franca for federated data discovery in biomedical genomics, and beyond

An ELIXIR & GA4GH paper

Beacon is a basic data discovery protocol issued by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). The design of Beacon version 2, better serves real-world requirements and addresses the needs of clinical genomics research and healthcare, as assessed by several contributing projects and organizations. Particularly, rare disease genetics and cancer research will benefit from new case level and genomic variant level requests and the enabling of richer phenotype and clinical queries as well as support for fuzzy searches.

Read more

ITSoneWB: profiling global taxonomic diversity of eukaryotic communities on Galaxy


ITSoneWB (ITSone WorkBench) is a Galaxy-based bioinformatic environment where comprehensive and high-quality reference data are connected with established pipelines and new tools in an automated and easy-to-use service targeted at global taxonomic analysis of eukaryotic communities based on Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 variants high-throughput sequencing. ITSoneWB has been deployed on the INFN-Bari ReCaS cloud facility and is freely available online.

Read more

Updates from Nodes

Upcoming courses in the BioSB Series in early 2023

  • Constraint-based modeling
    13-17 February 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands

    The constraint-based modeling course provides insights in the powerful modeling framework that allows to model reaction fluxes in genome-scale metabolic network models, with uses in fundamental and applied questions relevant to biotechnology, microbiology and biomedicine.

    Read more
  • Knowledge graphs in the life sciences
    13-17 March 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands

    The course will introduce the knowledge, theory, and skills needed to work with Linked Data. The course will also focus on research and industrial data applications and needs that are increasingly in demand.

    Read more

The OATEN Staff Exchange & Project Management module of ELITMa

Join the OATEN Staff Exchange that also covers the delivery of the Project Management module of ELITMa to build capacity in ELIXIR Node management tools. These will be mostly delivered remotely, with the exception of the hands-on workshop, scheduled in March in Portugal.
If you have any questions, please contact ammelo [at] igc.gulbenkian.pt (Ana Portugal Melo), Christine.Stansberg [at] uib.no (Christine Stansberg) or juan.arenas [at] elixir-europe.org (Juan Arena).

Check the OATEN Staff Exchange calendar
Register by 9 December

UK open science report: Lessons learned from genomic viral data sharing

UK Open Science report on lessons learned in the pandemic in genomic viral data sharing has now been published.

Read the report

Updates from Platforms

Successful Data-Interoperability Joint Platform F2F Hybrid Meeting

A big thank you to all participants and speakers who joined Data-Interoperability Joint Platform Meeting last week. Please fill out the post-event survey for us to improve future events.

Fill out the survey

Highlight presentation at the ELIXIR AAI & Cloud meeting

7 December 2022 | 11:00-12:00 CET`

The Compute Platform has confirmed a highlight presentation, demo and discussion with Marcin Sieprawski related to the ScienceMesh project - CS3MESH4EOSC at the ELIXIR AAI & Cloud meeting. It will involve a demo of their solution to launch Jupyter notebooks on top of the various synch/share sites that various NRENs (such as CESNET) run.

More information in the agenda

Updates from Other Initiatives

BY-COVID releases the first collection of citizen engagement materials

Last week, the BY-COVID project released its first collection of citizen engagement materials in English and French. Explore the website, and find out more about what the BY-COVID project means for citizens.

Find out more

Upcoming ELIXIR events & webinars

ELIXIR Training Courses & Webinars

The ELIXIR TeSS portal has a variety of interesting events and courses organised by the ELIXIR Nodes. For more, visit TeSS portal

PerMedCoE webinar series: Introducing PerMedCoE Building Blocks and Workflows to streamline biological analysis pipelines
15 December 2022 | 14-15 CET

SIB & ELIXIR CONVERGE course: Research Data Management and Data Management Plan
26 & 27 January 2023 | Lausanne, Switzerland

BioSB Series: Constraint-based modeling
13-17 February 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands

BioSB Series: Knowledge graphs in the life sciences
13-17 March 2023 | Wageningen, the Netherlands

ELIXIR Events and Conferences

ELIXIR Single Cell Omics Community F2F/hybrid Meeting
5&6 December 2022 | Hybrid - Stockholm, Sweden

ELIXIR All Hands 2023
5-8 June 2023 | Dublin, Ireland

Job vacancies

All vacancies are also published on the ELIXIR website (also including those from industry). If you need our help communicating your new open positions, you can submit a job advertisement and it will automatically appear on our newsletters. Go to our vacancy page to submit a job

Application Expert in Medical Imaging Diagnostics AI at AIDA Data Hub

AIDA Data Hub

Python developers


Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Services Officer


Bioinformatics training officer

University of Freiburg

Technical Coordinator

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics