Proteopedia - A case study for long-term sustainability of an ELIXIR service

In this project, the Proteopedia (ELIXIR Israel) and PDBe (EMBL-EBI) teams collaborated to investigate expanding the Proteopedia resource and using it for effective training and collection of annotation information on biological context. The project also worked as a case study to establish a collaboration between two ELIXIR Nodes with the aim of securing long-term sustainability of an ELIXIR service.

Building a highly skilled and coherent community of trainers through exchanges between ELIXIR Nodes

Building on the existing ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer programme, this ELIXIR Staff Exchange project allowed trainers in ELIXIR Nodes to travel to another Node and receive training as part of the ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer programme. Successful participants of the ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer courses were also eligible to apply for travel grants to deliver training in another ELIXIR Node.