InterMine-Institut Pasteur knowledge exchange
InterMine is an ELIXIR recommended interoperability resource, and Institut Pasteur is a non-profit biomedical research foundation and part of ELIXIR France, with a strong focus on infectious diseases.
InterMine is an ELIXIR recommended interoperability resource, and Institut Pasteur is a non-profit biomedical research foundation and part of ELIXIR France, with a strong focus on infectious diseases.
The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) is designed to be a repository for all types of sequence and genotype experiments, including case-control, population, and family studies.
The SciLifeLab and its bioinformatics infrastructure NBIS are pioneering the analytical and computational methods to explore life at single cell resolution. The breadth and depth of this type of data type requires the establishment of new analysis workflows that are challenging on the algorithm side as well as on the computational resource side.
The roadmap of the Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB, ELIXIR-FR) includes several actions that are tightly related to data management: storage, secure access, FAIRification, DMPs. However, France is facing many challenges to answer an increasing demands of our user communities. One of the most important bottlenecks in the French context concerns the access to and FAIRification of sensitive biomedical data, in order to enable its exploitation for research and transnational projects.
ELIXIR-SI is establishing a new sequencing analysis centre (CPA) that will use new single cell (SC), NGS and ICT infrastructure, which is in the procurement phase.
The goal is this Staff Exchange project is to accelerate the ongoing work of integrating various components of the new Tools Platform Ecosystem, as defined in the Tools Platform Task 1 of the ELIXIR 2019-23 Programme, Work Package 2 (Developing an integrated “Tools Platform ecosystem”).
The purpose of this project is to train one postdoc researcher from Czech Republic in methodologies of sequencing data analysis from human cancers with focus on single cell sequencing datasets.
The project has two particular goals. The first goal of this training is initiation of building local capacity for analysis of such data produced in Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University which is a part of the ELIXIR-CZ node. The second goal is to establish long-term collaboration between Charles University and Imperial College London.
InterMine, an ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource (RIR), is an open source data warehouse used around the world. It allows biologists and bioinformaticians easily to query integrated biological data, providing a common interface to biological data resources.
Reactome is a world-leading, curated resource for biomolecular pathways, with >1,200 citations in 2019 and >80,000 distinct users monthly. It is developed in international collaboration with EMBL-EBI as one of four partners. Reactome’s content is presented through a multi-scale visualisation system, complemented by advanced analysis tools. Beyond scientific analysis, Reactome is uniquely suited for teaching and training in molecular biology as well as in bioinformatics, through its open source, open data policy.
FAIRDOM, based on the SEEK platform by the group of Carole Goble and the group of Wolfgang Müller, is used by multiple Nodes in ELIXIR as data management platform.