The roadmap of the Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB, ELIXIR-FR) includes several actions that are tightly related to data management: storage, secure access, FAIRification, DMPs. However, France is facing many challenges to answer an increasing demands of our user communities. One of the most important bottlenecks in the French context concerns the access to and FAIRification of sensitive biomedical data, in order to enable its exploitation for research and transnational projects.
Since several years, the Norwegian ELIXIR node developed a strong experience with notable achievements regarding the management, storage and sharing of biomedical data, with operational solutions at the national level through TSD (Services for sensitive data operated by UiO partner) and national coordination with data generating platforms (BioMedData), as well as involvement in Nordic and international projects for analysing and archiving sensitive data (Tryggve2 and Federated Human data/EGA respectively).
The goal of this staff exchange is to organize exchanges of knowledge, experiences and solutions for data management.
In particular, France would greatly benefit from the strong experience of ELIXIR-NO to develop solutions that would comply with the rather strict national regulations (e.g. obligation to obtain a national certification in order to handle human data). Reciprocally, to anticipate international data management policies that might be adopted in the near future by E.U., coordinated actions could be taken to extend the machine-actionable DMP project beyond France, to generalize the concepts and to evaluate the applicability and portability of the technical solutions to other ELIXIR Nodes.