The purpose of this project is to train one postdoc researcher from Czech Republic in methodologies of sequencing data analysis from human cancers with focus on single cell sequencing datasets.
The project has two particular goals. The first goal of this training is initiation of building local capacity for analysis of such data produced in Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University which is a part of the ELIXIR-CZ node. The second goal is to establish long-term collaboration between Charles University and Imperial College London.
These objectives will be achieved in cooperation with University of West Bohemia which is a part of already existing intra node cooperation focused on analysis of cancer sequencing data, which now includes only copy number variations and polymorphisms in bulk samples. However, with progressing projects and start of new ones, there is a need to broaden available expertise to include expression analysis and analysis of single cell data.
The need to include single cell analysis stems also from the fact that there is planned for new equipment - 10x machine - in the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen and deeper knowledge and experience with data analysis specific to this machine is now missing and will be needed to fully use its potential. The technology is currently used in Imperial College for analysis of samples from Faculty of Medicine and will bring a first manuscript in 2020.
The training will allow the postdoc to then train other students and staff in specifics of these analyses and thus improve their ability to properly use the machines output as well as broaden types of analysis of sequencing data available to researches in Charles university and University of West Bohemia.