Key Contributors Update, 22 December 2023
For Information
Meeting summary of the Heads of Nodes TC
The meeting summary of the Heads of Nodes Teleconference from 7 December is now available in the shared folder on the Google Drive.
We invite you to submit comments to Jo Wingender ( The document will be considered finalised on Friday, 12 January.
PhD fellowship in bioinformatic analysis of host - pathogen interactions in the context of anti-microbial resistance in pigs
Master's Thesis / Internship
Key Contributors Update, 15 December 2023
For Information
Outcomes of ELIXIR Heads of Nodes TC, 7 December
We would like to thank Heads of Nodes for joining us for the TC on 7 December.
Weekly Brief, 18 December 2023
This week's highlights
Seasonal update
This is the final Weekly Brief newsletter of 2023. The ELIXIR Hub will be closed for the week 25-29 December 2023. Thank you all for helping to make 2023 such an excellent year for ELIXIR. We hope you have a wonderful, restful, and healthy Christmas break.
The Weekly Brief will resume on 8 January 2024, please continue to send updates for inclusion in the newsletter to
ELIXIR Senior Project Manager
Weekly Brief, 11 December 2023
This week's highlights
Celebrating ten years of ELIXIR
Last week, ELIXIR celebrated its 10th anniversary in Brussels, Belgium!
ELIXIR was launched on 18 December 2013 following the ratification of the ELIXIR Consortium Agreement by five countries and EMBL. Over this time, ELIXIRs core mission has remained unchanged: to enable researchers to access and analyse life science data by coordinating infrastructure and services across national borders.