Integrating ELIXIR Luxembourg into ELIXIR activities

The ELIXIR Luxembourg Node focuses on the development of a European repository of integrated molecular and clinical/translational data, and providing high-performance oriented data access, computing services and long-term sustainability.

In this Implementation Study, we will take part in ELIXIR Beacon, Local EGA, ELIXIR AAI and RD-Connect topics under ELIXIR Use Cases -  ‘Human Genomics and Translational Data’,  ‘Rare Disease’ and the ‘Compute Platform’ .

Data Manager

The University Medical Center Groningen (ELIXIR Netherlands) Genomics Coordination Center is seeking a Data Manager to contribute to FAIR data and Personalized Health using exciting cohort, biobank and genome data with a.o. UMCG, BBMRI, CORBEL, LifeCycle, RD-connect, ELIXIR.

Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Netherlands

PhD student or postdoc in Data Science in Health Bioinformatics

The University Medical Center Groningen (ELIXIR Netherlands) Genomics Coordination Center has an opening for a PhD student or postdoc in Data Science in Health Bioinformatics to contribute to FAIR data and Personalized Health using exciting cohort, biobank and genome data with a.o. UMCG, BBMRI, CORBEL, LifeCycle, RD-connect, ELIXIR.

Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Netherlands

Postdoctoral Position: “Dynamics of Biological Processes”

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and ELI-Beamlines has an open postdoctoral position to study the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids and proteins. The successful candidate will participate in interpreting time-resolved spectroscopies including transient absorption, vibration spectroscopy such as femtosecond infrared and/or Raman spectroscopy, multidimensional vibration and electronic spectroscopy, and also time resolved X-ray diffraction. Experience with quantum mechanics calculations of photon and vibrational spectral properties of biological or organic molecules is necessary, ability to perform molecular modeling such as MD or docking of biological systems is an advantage. The position is open from September 2017.


Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Czech Republic