Weekly Brief, 13 May 2019

Hub updates

Nodes wishing to advertise vacancies on the ELIXIR website are welcome to insert the vacancy details via the vacancy form. The vacancy will then be posted on the website and included automatically in the ELIXIR Weekly Brief.

We are pleased to announce that Susanna Repo, ELIXIR Programme Manager has been promoted to ELIXIR Head of Operations. Susanna will be leading her own team regarding ELIXIR Operations and Administration at the Hub.

Scalable Curation

In the future, the research literature will be increasingly open access, with new communication mechanisms such as preprints requiring versions management and new peer review mechanisms. Managing full text article corpora for text mining will be much more challenging than managing just abstracts, and it is unlikely that each and every text mining group will want to invest the necessary time and effort when there are public resources already available.

Literature-Data Integration

The goal of this group is to explore extending the connected ecosystem to any ELIXIR data resource with the scientific literature, with a view to incorporating more orphan data and human data, and to providing connectivity with other elements of the ELIXIR infrastructure.

Aim: To increase understanding of the potential for benefits that would arise from increasing the number of ELIXIR data resources linked to each other, Europe PMC, and integrated with orphan data, where appropriate.