Weekly Brief, 27 July 2020

ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2020 goes virtual!

9-13 November 2020 | Now Online

We have decided to transform this intense interactive week of hacking into an online event because our number one priority is the safety of all participants.

But we also recognise this situation as an excellent opportunity to prove we can create an interactive yet virtual event. Let's put online platforms to the test!

Join us in this exciting week full of hacking projects, gamification surprises and virtual social hours!

Weekly Brief, 3 August 2020

Recommended read for today

'The bioinformatics wealth of nations'

What is the impact of bioinformatics publications from countries around the globe?

Earlier in May, colleagues at the Greek Node wrote this revealing paper that highlights the high productivity of smaller countries in bioinformatics research.

Grasp the complexities of the bioinformatics publication landscape and discover your country's productivity level.