Key Contributors Update, 24 July 2020

For Action Ongoing

Final Reminder! Heads of Nodes are invited to submit comments or feedback regarding the draft Request for Proposals document and call description to John Hancock ( by Thursday, 30 July.

The document outlines the revised process proposed for the upcoming RFP call for Community-led Implementation Studies.

For Information

Within the coming weeks, the ELIXIR Hub will be working on responding to several consultations, including:

"Pharmaceuticals - safe and affordable medicines" (call closes
15 September).
The European Commission is seeking views, experience and contribution to the development of a new Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, scheduled for adoption by the end of the year. You can contribute directly via this Google document. Please note that the Hub has not yet begun drafting a response.

For questions, please contact Corinne Martin (

Key Dates and Meetings

Heads of Nodes TC

10 September 2020 | 10:30-13:30 (CEST)

ELIXIR CDR and EDD ranking meeting (TBC)

27 October 2020 | Amsterdam

Heads of Nodes TC