Postdoctoral Research Associate
Data Manager/Bioinformatician
Postdoc structural bioinformatics and deep learning
ELIXIR Horizon Europe Mission factsheets
The Horizon Europe Mission factsheets presents how ELIXIR resources can be used by researchers working in three of the proposed Missions of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme:
Cloud Engineer (Research and Development Specialist)
Key Contributors Update, 30 October 2020
An ELIXIR HoNs shared folder including meeting materials from HoN meetings, reference documents, slides & graphics archive can be found on Google Drive.
Weekly Brief, 2 November 2020
New Focus Group
The ELIXIR FAIR Training Focus Group has just been accepted as a new group. Continuing the efforts of the ELIXIR Training Platform FAIR Training Working Group, this group will explore existing FAIR training resources and how to make training resources FAIR.
Security Engineer
Weekly Brief, 26 October 2020
Hub staff update
Changes at the Hub
Jerry Lanfear will be stepping down from his role as CTO and head of the Tech Team based at the Hub. Nevertheless, Jerry will be staying with ELIXIR, and continue to report to the ELIXIR Director, in a new role as Head of Programme and Strategy of ELIXIR.