Making container services integratable, sustainable and widely adopted

The aim of this new strategic implementation study is to build on the current progress made through the on-going implementation study to enable adoption and deployment of protocols and services by the broader ELIXIR community at scale. This Strategic Implementation Study (SIS) aims to coordinate existing efforts across ELIXIR, identify opportunities, contribute in a targeted and limited way with specific developments to connect relevant components and propose mechanisms for sustaining this effort over time.

Tools Platform Ecosystem

The Tools Platform has initiated the development of the “Tools Platform Ecosystem”. This metadata exchange platform will coordinate the different registries and services maintained by the ELIXIR Tools Platform, using standards such as EDAM, Bioschemas, and biotoolsSchema. Building on top of the content aggregated and curated over the last years, it will open up the content and make it accessible beyond API calls.

Strengthen Data Management in Galaxy

This proposal focuses on the enhancement of Galaxy's data management features to provide additional provenance information and improve the integration of Galaxy in the existing data management ecosystem. We will leverage existing technologies and services in ELIXIR and complement ongoing international projects (ELIXIR-CONVERGE, the COVID-19 Data portal, EOSC Life, etc.) while building on national initiatives (German NFDI, ELIXIR Belgium strategy, UK BioFAIR, etc.).

Increasing the translational value of public proteomics datasets: Automatic metadata-driven reanalysis in cloud infrastructures

Resulting from the work performed in previous and/or ongoing ELIXIR implementation studies (IS) led by the ELIXIR Proteomics Community, PRIDE public proteomics datasets including metadata annotations using the Sample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF) as well as some open proteomics data analysis pipelines are starting to be available.

Building on PDBe-KB to chart and characterize the conformational landscape of native proteins

This implementation study will create infrastructure to chart the experimentally sampled
conformational diversity of native proteins by exploiting data from the PDB, augmented with
results of state-of-the-art computational tools. By integrating resources/tools, workflows will be
developed to

i) Compare and cluster different conformations adopted by homologs of the same

ii) Identify protein regions with different flexibility properties.

Pipelines will be created to characterize conformational ensembles in terms of

Improving IDP tools interoperability and integration into ELIXIR

The increasingly well-documented role of intrinsic disorder in protein behavior and function requires infrastructure improvements to enable enhanced researcher access to related tools and data. In this study we implement:

i) improved accessibility for tools that define where disorder is likely to appear in proteins,

ii) better integration of disorder with CAFA, including protein region definitions, so improving the connection between function and disorder,

iii) exploration of emerging disorder definitions and data for future prediction challenges,