Services: Software Tools

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Ruby bioinformatics toolkit (rbbt)

A framework for software development in bioinformatics. It covers three aspects:.

  1. Workflow wrapping the TF text-mining results from plus other databases. 
  2. High Throughput Sequencing related functionalities.
  3. Rbbt wrapper for the Variant Effect Predictor.

Auto-downloads and installs the software.


Comprehensive resource of human phosphosites within their full context.


Annotation of secondary structure elements in proteins.


A tool for semantic analysis of microarray data based on a collection of workflow components for Orange4WS


SIAMCAT is a modular framework for the statistical inference of associations between microbial communities and host phenotypes, such as disease states in clinical case-control studies. SIAMCAT is based on LASSO models, which offer distinctive advantages for model interpretation and microbial biomarker selection and avoid overfitting issues that can arise in naive combinations of feature selection and cross-validation. Part of the Microbiome Analysis Toolbox. 


SIENA has been developed for the automated assembly and preprocessing of protein binding site ensembles.


Data Analysis service for ribosomal RNA


Web application to compare multiple protein structural motifs.


slalom is a scalable modelling framework for single-cell RNA-seq data that uses gene set annotations to dissect single-cell transcriptome heterogeneity, thereby allowing identification of biological drivers of cell-to-cell variability and model confounding factors.


SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) is a web resource providing simple identification and extensive annotation of protein domains via sequence homology searches. It contains manually curated models for more than 1,200 protein domains. In its ‘Genomic’ mode, it annotates proteins from completely sequenced genomes of 2,031 species as a basis for their functional annotation. It provides flexible tools to visually explore protein domain architectures across sequences and organisms. Part of the Human Omics Analysis Toolbox. 


SNPmasker is a program to mask all SNPs in given sequence using information of dbSNP. Additionally it is possible to mask all non-unique words using GenomeMasker module.


Structural and physico-chemical interpretation of QSAR models


SQANTI3 is the first module of the [Functional IsoTranscriptomics (FIT)]( framework, which also includes IsoAnnot and tappAS.


Nextflow pipeline for splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL) mapping based on sQTLseekeR2, performing the following analysis steps:

  1. Index the genotype file
  2. Preprocess the transcript expression data
  3. Test for association between splicing ratios (a multivariate phenotype) and genetic variants in cis (nominal pass)
  4. Obtain an empirical P-value for each phenotype (permutation pass, optional)
  5. Control for multiple testing.
sRNA Portal workflow

Analysis workflow for plant sRNA sequencing data.


Software for Spot-based Spatial cell-type Analysis by Multidimensional mRNA density estimation.


 SSAM-lite is a lightweight, browser-based implementation of the SSAM framework. It provides the functionality of SSAMs most popular and widely used features in a graphical user interface with a few functions added for convenience and ease of use. It can be run on a modest laptop.


StructureProfiler is a tool to screen structures based on selection criteria typically used upon dataset assembly for structure-based design methods.


SweeD is a high-performance computing software that detects the site of the beneficial mutation, using the Site Frequency Spectrum. It can analyze whole genome data of thousands of individuals in a few hours.


SWISS-MODEL is a fully automated service for protein structure homology modelling. It provides a personal web based workspace for interactive modelling, storing project data and visualizing results online. 


SwissDrugDesign provides a collection of web-based tools covering all aspects of computer-aided drug design.


SymCurv is a computational ab initio method for nucleosome positioning prediction. It is based on the structural property of natural nucleosome forming sequences, to be symmetrically curved around a local minimum of curvature.

Tabloid Proteome

Database of protein association networks representing a broad scala of biological associations between pairs of proteins that go beyond  direct protein interactions


TAndem REpeat ANalyzer -TAREAN – is a computational pipeline for unsupervised identification of satellite repeats from unassembled sequence reads. The pipeline uses low-pass whole genome sequence reads and performs their graph-based clustering. Resulting clusters, representing all types of repeats, are then examined for the presence of circular structures and putative satellite repeats are reported.


Web tool for the prediction of T-cell receptor epitope recognition.

The B6 database

Contains tools for the functional classification of PLP-dependent enzymes in predicted protein sequences.

The Genomic HyperBrowser

A web-based system for finding and testing relations between high-throughput sequencing and/or other genomic datasets (tracks), making use of statistical hypothesis testing and other advanced methodology.


A method for estimating the crystallizability of transmembrane proteins


Detection of transmembrane regions using 3D protein structure


Differential gene expression analysis in tumour, normal and metastatic tissues