Services: Literature

Name of service Tag Related links* Key Collection

APICURON is a database to credit and acknowledge the work of biocurators. It collects and aggregates biocuration events from third party resources generating achievements and leaderboards.


Knowledge integration platform for literature mining and concept discovery


BioTranslator enables functional interpretation of genomic experiments through pathways analysis with a variety of biomedical ontologies, regulatory genes prioritization and protein network visualization.


An interactive literature‐based biomedical discovery support system

CANcer TExt Mining SharedTask (CANTEMIST)

Gold standard of oncology clinical cases annotated with CIE-O 3 terminology


A comprehensive resource of channels, pores and tunnels found in biomacromolecular structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank.


An ontology primarily dedicated to categorising computational tools and data resources


Europe PubMedCentral (EuropePMC) contains over 3 million full text life science research articles, of which over 900 000 are open access, and combines these with 30 million abstracts from PubMed and other sources. 

GWAS Catalog

The NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog is a quality-controlled, manually curated, literature-derived collection of all published genome-wide association studies.

Metaanalysis Online

An online platform for pooling the results of research with the same objectives

NLP4BIA tools

Textmining tools


The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Literature Services (SIBiLS) provide personalized Information Retrieval in the biological literature. Indeed, SIBiLS allow fully customizable search in semantically enriched contents, based on keywords and/or mapped biomedical entities from a growing set of standardized and legacy vocabularies.  (


UniProt Related Documents (UniReD): assisting wet lab biologists
in their quest on finding novel counterparts in a protein network


A high recall search engine to support the curation of genomic variants.