Services: Interoperability And Standards
Name of service | Tag | Related links* | Key Collection | |
IDP ontology | An ontology for IDP community: it enables the annotation of structural and functional properties of intrinsically disordered proteins and their interaction partners. | | ||
IMGT | An integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), and major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | ||
InterMine | A database framework widely used to support model organism databases. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharingTeSS | RIR | |
ISA Tools Commons | A suite of open source tools and formats to enable standards-compliant collection, curation, management, publication and reuse of experiments. | | RIR | |
Italian COVID-19 Data Portal | The Italian COVID-19 Data Portal provides information, guidelines, tools and services to support researchers in creating and sharing research data on COVID-19. |
ITSoneWB | A Galaxy-based workbench providing established tools (e.g BioMaS, Mothur and qiime2) targeted at global taxonomic analysis of eukaryotic communities based on Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 variants high-throughput sequencing. | | ||
KnetMiner | A comprehensive approach for supporting evidence-based gene discovery and complex trait analysis across species. KnetMiner is a web application to search and visualise genome-scale knowledge networks. It is used by scientists in academia and industry to accelerate gene-trait discovery research. KnetMiner offers features such as keyword, gene list and genome region search, query refinement, gene ranking, gene set enrichment analysis and interactive visualisation of knowledge networks and genomic information. | | ||
Lifemap | A web tool and a mobile app for exploring the entire Tree of Life |
LIPID Maps | Provides access to lipid nomenclature, databases, tools, protocols, standards, tutorials, meetings, publications, and other resources and serving the international lipid research community. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | ||
LPSN | The List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) provides comprehensive information on the nomenclature of prokaryotes and much more. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | ||
MOLGENIS | A software package to help researchers set up an online database application that supports data queries and allows data sharing. | | RIR | |
NEOF | The NERC Environmental Omics Facility (NEOF) will enable environmental researchers in the UK to access the full range of omics supporting technology. |
Omics Discovery Index (OmicsDI) | The Omics Discovery Index provides a knowledge discovery framework across heterogeneous omics data (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics). It indexes metadata from more than 20 omics resources across four continents. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | RIR | |
Ontology for Nutritional Studies | Terms that are commonly encountered while conducting, reporting, storing, harmonizing, integrating, and describing nutritional studies. ONS builds upon a subset of the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI), reuses already formalized information by importing terms already defined in other ontologies, and defines de novo key classes/terms to tailor concept to the nutritional field |
OpenEBench | OpenEBench ( is the ELIXIR benchmarking and technical monitoring platform for bioinformatics tools, web servers and workflows. | | ||
Orphadata | Orphadata provides the scientific community with comprehensive, quality data sets related to rare diseases and orphan drugs from the Orphanet knowledge base, in reusable formats. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | CDD | |
Orphanet | Orphanet is the reference resource for information and data on rare diseases and orphan drugs. Orphanet derives from its knowledge base an ontology of rare diseases, information on rare diseases and data on rare diseases. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | ||
PANGAEA | A service for the publishing, archiving and re-using data. | | ||
ParameciumDB | ParameciumDB is a community model organism database for the ciliate Paramecium. The web site gives access to genomes of many Paramecium species and their annotations. ParameciumDB also integrates genome-wide datasets (DNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq) provided by the community. This portal is used to query, retrieve, visualize and compare the most up-to-date public data. | | ||
Plant Experimental Assay Ontology (PEAO) | A comprehensive ontology for the plant domain, that is useful for data integration and querying heterogeneous data. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | ||
PLAZA | Plant-oriented online resource for comparative, evolutionary and functional genomics. |
bio.toolsFAIRsharing | RIR | |
RDMkit | The ELIXIR Research Data Management Kit (RDMkit) is an online guide containing best practices in data management applicable to research projects from the beginning to the end. RDMkit is developed and managed by people who work every day with life science data. |
bio.toolsTeSS | RIR | |
Statistical consulting and analysis of proteomics data | Either as a cooperation or consultancy service. |
The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) | The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) provides a web service interface to query multiple ontologies from a single location with a unified output format. |
bio.toolsTeSS | RIR | |
Tools for FAIRification | Diverse tools under development, in use in BYOD events to facilitate making data FAIR using linked data technology. |
WikiPathways | An open, collaborative platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways |
bio.toolsFAIRsharingTeSS |