Services: Compute

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CSC develops and hosts an open source tool REMS to assist a DAC to manage Data Access Applications and access rights to sensitive datasets. REMS is a key component in ELIXIR AAI.

Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI)

The ELIXIR AAI (Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure) is the ELIXIR service portfolio for authenticating users and helping relying services to manage users' access rights in the services. 

BioMedIT Network

The BioMedIT Network establishes a coordinated nationwide network of secure infrastructures to support computational biomedical research and clinical bioinformatics. Built on the centers of expertise established at partner universities (regional nodes), this network is managed by the Personalized Health Informatics Group, a group of the SIB Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics. 


Collection of tools whose goal is to aid researchers in carrying out scientific analyses on a multitude of cloud computing platforms. It concerns itself with providing functionality in four broad areas: Provisioning; Configuration Management; Workflow Management; Operations Management.

Cloud Services

Expertise on very diverse subjects of data processing, analysis and curation as well as connections to existing infrastructure RI's like EUDAT. This expertise can be made available to research projects and organisations.  


CRISPRCas++ is a new website holding a program called CRISPRCasFinder to detect CRISPR arrays and cas genes in the genome of prokaryotes. CRISPRCasMeta is adapted to the analysis of large metagenomic data. The programs are available online or can be downloaded for local usage. A database called CRISPRCasdb, the successor of CRISPRdb, is accessible on the CRISPRCas++ website. It can be browsed and queried in search for repeat and spacer sequences. 

CSC Chipster

Chipster is a user-friendly analysis software for high-throughput data. It contains hundreds of analysis tools for next generation sequencing (NGS), microarray, proteomics and sequence data. 

CSC Cloud

The CSC Cloud service is targeted for High Performance Computing (HPC), allowing customers to run virtual machines with exclusive access to up to 16 cores. This service includes cPouta and ePouta. 

Data Archiving

ELIXIR Luxembourg provides integrated storage and archiving for curated Translational Medicine data. Data is stored on tranSMART servers or other suitable servers.

Disease Maps Development and Hosting

We provide support and guidance in development of Disease Maps (, computational and visual repositories of knowledge about mechanisms of human diseases. We offer hosting of open access Disease Maps on the MINERVA Platform ( on our infrastructure under the sub-domain, their backup and conservation. The MINERVA Platform ensures online access, interactive exploration, search for known drug targets and visualisation of omics datasets. We provide training in management of the Disease Maps and guidance to their integration into reproducible computational workflows by using the dedicated API of the hosting platform.

ELIXIR PT Computing Services

A computational platform for biological data based on open cloud services.

Embassy Cloud

This is an OpenStack platform co-located with EMBL-EBI’s services and data resources. Access to the Embassy Cloud is available for researchers outside EMBL if they have a collaboration with staff at EMBL.


Secure cloud for handling sensitive data 


A web server for assigning putative cis DNA motifs to input transcription factors (TFs) and conversely for predicting which TFs that might recognize input DNA motifs. 

Help Desk

Under Development in collaboration with SURFsara and Lygature, based on prior experience deploying tools for end users / life scientists.

HPC PlatformsCompute Services

Tier-0 HPC system Marconi and Tier-1 Galileo100 INFN HPC clusters ENEA CRESCO "HPC service”


Fast-track HPC access for medium sized biological data analysis projects (50K core hours).


An integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), and major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species. 


A Galaxy on-demand service. The platform allows users to configure and deploy private or public Galaxy instances choosing from multiple software and hardware setups.


The NNCR (National Network of Computing Resources) is a distributed infrastructure providing computing and storage services to french and international users and consisting of the IFB-core resources (cloud and cluster) and nine high-performance computing platforms located in different regions.


Open source software underlying the technology for SURF's single sign-on and facilitating national and international online collaboration in education and research.


OpenEBench ( is the ELIXIR benchmarking and technical monitoring platform for bioinformatics tools, web servers and workflows. 


A Galaxy instance customized for data-intensive computational analyses in microbiology and metagenomics.


Container cloud, registry and interface. 

ReCaS Platform as a Service (PaaS)

A PaaS based dashboard to instantiate complex cluster of services in the ReCaS-Bari data center

Resource Entitlement Management System (REMS)

A tool that can be used to manage researchers’ access rights to bioinformatics databases.


sciCORE provides a high-performance computing infrastructure, large-scale storage resources, scientific software and databases, server infrastructures and user support. It also provides expertise to scientific research groups.

Sensitive Data Services

For handing data that needs to be protected against unauthorized access. Protection of data may be required for

  • legal reasons
  • ethical reasons
  • personal privacy
  • proprietary considerations
Storage Services