AAI announcements

Engagement Call with Elixir AAI XI. recording

A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI XI. about the LS AAI Roadmap for 2025 is available on the Elixir Youtube channel.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. - recording available

A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. de.NBI Cloud integration with LS AAI is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI X. on 7th of October 2024

This call is open to anybody from the community interested in ELIXIR’s work in AAI. This time, the topic is an overview of the federated de.NBI Cloud and its integration with LS AAI. de.NBI Cloud is one of the biggest infrastructures in LS AAI and its integration related use cases can be an inspiration for other communities and services. de.NBI Cloud is operated by The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure. More information about de.NBI Cloud is available at https://www.denbi.de/cloud.

See TESS for more information.


ELIXIR AAI community engagement call IX. on 28.6.2024

This call is open to anybody from the community interested in ELIXIR’s work in AAI. This time, the topic is an overview of infrastructures other than ELIXIR, which are involved in the LS AAI and their utilization of the AAI.

See TESS for more information.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VIII. - recording available

A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VIII about ELIXIR CP WP2 24-26 work programme is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.


ELIXIR AAI community engagement call VIII.

In this call, the ELIXIR AAI Work Package leaders and task leaders will focus on presenting the approved Work Program Plan 24-26.

This call is open to anybody from the community interested in the work ELIXIR AAI-focused WP (ECP WP2) will carry out in 2024 - 2026.

See TESS for more information.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VII. - recording available

A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VII about GA4GH in Life Science AAI and the new specification of GA4GH v1.2. is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VII. on 7th of December 2022

In this call, we will give overview of GA4GH in Life Science AAI and also go through the new specification of GA4GH v1.2. There will be enough space also for discussion.

This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in GA4GH standards and LS AAI/ELIXIR services that rely/want to rely on GA4GH Passports.

See TESS for more information.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VI. - recording available

A recording from the Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VI about Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is available on the ELIXIR YouTube channel.


Survey - Engagement Platform

We would like to gather some ideas from you to design an interactive platform for sharing the AAI ideas within the community. We will very much appreciate if you can fill in the Survey (3 min).


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI VI. on 22 June 2022

In this call we provide a short introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), a new paradigm for identity and access management. We then demonstrate a proof of concept for writing a researcher’s permissions to access a genomic dataset in their SSI wallet (in their smartphone) and then using it for accessing the datasets in a computing environment.

This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in Self-sovereign identity, a new identity management paradigm. 

See TESS for more information.


Online training for Relying parties on how to connect their service to the LS Login (17 May 2022)

The Life Science Login, a common user authentication and authorisation service for the LS research infrastructures, was launched on 11 April 2022. 

The target group of the training is developers and administrators of services who want to implement LS Login into their services, and make use of the LS Login authentication and authorization features. This is applicable for any new services that want to be connected to LS Login, including those coming from the ELIXIR community.

The training will be held on Tuesday 17 May 2022 from 13:00 CEST. See the training details.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI V. on 4 May 2022

In this call the implementers of GA4GH Cloud APIs in ELIXIR describe how the Workflow Execution Service (WES) and Task Execution Service (TES) enables a researcher to “bring compute to data” and how WES and TES make use of GA4GH Passports and other features of ELIXIR/Life Science AAI.

This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in the GA4GH Cloud APIs and their integration to ELIXIR/Life Science AAI.

See TESS for more information.


ELIXIR AAI users migrated to LS Login

11.4.2022 Elixir AAI user migration to LS Login was finished and LS Login is on production. There will be still few tests ongoing during 12.4 and following days. 

Please check Current outage section for details of not yet fully operating functionalities on Elixir AAI Migration News and general information, FAQ and guidelines on LS Login web.

Service migration phase will soon follow and you will be in time contacted with detailed instructions.


Information page for ELIXIR AAI migration to the Life Science Login

The special page for sharing information regarding ELIXIR AAI migration to LS Login was created. This page will be regularly updated with how-tos, important announcements and outage times.

See the Life Science RI website.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI IV. on 30 March 2022

In this call we would like to present the plan and steps of Elixir AAI users and services in their migration to the LS AAI. An important part of the call will be a discussion.

This call is open to anybody from the community who is interested in the topics:

  • ELIXIR AAI migration to EOSC LS AAI
  • Service migration from of Elixir AAI to LS AAI

See TESS for more information.


Engagement Call with Elixir AAI III. held 23 March 2022

In the third call, we took a closer look at AAIs related to the ELIXIR AAI. 

  • EOSC AAI and ELIXIR/Life science AAI integration
  • AARC guidelines
  • New ELIXIR AAI features: IdP hinting, Current affiliation, and authenticating IdP identifier

See TESS for more information.
